Templat:Infobox aircraft occurrence
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=1]] {{{caption}}} | |
Ringkasan {{{occurrence_type}}} | |
Tanggal | {{{date}}} |
Ringkasan | {{{summary}}} |
Lokasi | {{{site}}} {{{coordinates}}} |
Total cedera | {{{total_injuries}}} |
Total tewas | {{{total_fatalities}}} |
Total selamat | {{{total_survivors}}} |
Pesawat pertama | |
[[Berkas:{{{plane1_image}}}|180px|alt={{{plane1_alt}}}]] {{{plane1_caption}}} | |
Jenis | {{{plane1_type}}} |
Nama | {{{plane1_name}}} |
Operator | {{{plane1_operator}}} |
Registrasi | {{{plane1_tailnum}}} |
Asal | {{{plane1_origin}}} |
Perhentian | {{{plane1_stopover}}} |
Perhentian ke-1 | {{{plane1_stopover0}}} |
Perhentian ke-2 | {{{plane1_stopover1}}} |
Perhentian ke-3 | {{{plane1_stopover2}}} |
Perhentian ke-4 | {{{plane1_stopover3}}} |
Perhentian ke-5 | {{{plane1_stopover4}}} |
Perhentian ke-6 | {{{plane1_stopover5}}} |
Perhentian terakhir | {{{plane1_laststopover}}} |
Tujuan | {{{plane1_destination}}} |
Penumpang | {{{plane1_passengers}}} |
Awak | {{{plane1_crew}}} |
Cedera | {{{plane1_injuries}}} |
Tewas | {{{plane1_fatalities}}} |
Hilang | {{{plane1_missing}}} |
Selamat | {{{plane1_survivors}}} |
Pesawat kedua | |
[[Berkas:{{{plane2_image}}}|180px|alt={{{plane2_alt}}}]] {{{plane2_caption}}} | |
Jenis | {{{plane2_type}}} |
Nama | {{{plane2_name}}} |
Operator | {{{plane2_operator}}} |
Registrasi | {{{plane2_tailnum}}} |
Asal | {{{plane2_origin}}} |
Perhentian | {{{plane2_stopover}}} |
Perhentian ke-1 | {{{plane2_stopover0}}} |
Perhentian ke-2 | {{{plane2_stopover1}}} |
Perhentian ke-3 | {{{plane2_stopover2}}} |
Perhentian ke-4 | {{{plane2_stopover3}}} |
Perhentian ke-5 | {{{plane2_stopover4}}} |
Perhentian ke-6 | {{{plane2_stopover5}}} |
Perhentian terakhir | {{{plane2_laststopover}}} |
Tujuan | {{{plane2_destination}}} |
Penumpang | {{{plane2_passengers}}} |
Awak | {{{plane2_crew}}} |
Cedera | {{{plane2_injuries}}} |
Tewas | {{{plane2_fatalities}}} |
Hilang | {{{plane2_missing}}} |
Selamat | {{{plane2_survivors}}} |
Pesawat ketiga | |
[[Berkas:{{{plane3_image}}}|180px|alt={{{plane3_alt}}}]] {{{plane3_caption}}} | |
Jenis | {{{plane3_type}}} |
Nama | {{{plane3_name}}} |
Operator | {{{plane3_operator}}} |
Registrasi | {{{plane3_tailnum}}} |
Asal | {{{plane3_origin}}} |
Perhentian | {{{plane3_stopover}}} |
Perhentian ke-1 | {{{plane3_stopover0}}} |
Perhentian ke-2 | {{{plane3_stopover1}}} |
Perhentian ke-3 | {{{plane3_stopover2}}} |
Perhentian ke-4 | {{{plane3_stopover3}}} |
Perhentian ke-5 | {{{plane3_stopover4}}} |
Perhentian ke-6 | {{{plane3_stopover5}}} |
Perhentian terakhir | {{{plane3_laststopover}}} |
Tujuan | {{{plane3_destination}}} |
Penumpang | {{{plane3_passengers}}} |
Awak | {{{plane3_crew}}} |
Cedera | {{{plane3_injuries}}} |
Tewas | {{{plane3_fatalities}}} |
Hilang | {{{plane3_missing}}} |
Selamat | {{{plane3_survivors}}} |
This template is meant to be used in articles about significant occurrences, accidents or incidents involving one, two or three aircraft. The format opposite shows the template's full syntax; for examples involving a single aircraft as well as multiple aircraft, see below.
Full blank syntax
[sunting sumber]Required parameters are date, summary and site. If name is not provided, {{LINKED:PAGENAME}}
is used instead.
{{Infobox aircraft occurrence | name = | image = | image_size = <!--default 230 (pixels)--> | alt = | caption = | occurrence_type = <!--Use "Accident", "Incident" or (default) "Occurrence"--> | date = <!--{{start date|YYYY|MM|DD}}--> | summary = | site = | coordinates = <!--{{coord|LAT|LON|type:event|display=inline,title}}--> <!--------Following entries are for an occurrence involving a single aircraft:--------> | passengers = | crew = | injuries = | fatalities = | missing = | survivors = | aircraft_type = | aircraft_name = | operator = | tail_number = | origin = | stopover = | stopover0 = | stopover1 = | stopover2 = | stopover3 = | stopover4 = | stopover5 = | last_stopover = | destination = <!--------Following entries are for an occurrence involving two/three aircraft:--------> | total_injuries = | total_fatalities = | total_missing = | total_survivors = | plane1_image = | plane1_alt = | plane1_caption = | plane1_type = | plane1_name = | plane1_operator = | plane1_tailnum = | plane1_origin = | plane1_stopover = | plane1_stopover0 = | plane1_stopover1 = | plane1_stopover2 = | plane1_stopover3 = | plane1_stopover4 = | plane1_stopover5 = | plane1_laststopover = | plane1_destination = | plane1_passengers = | plane1_crew = | plane1_injuries = | plane1_fatalities = | plane1_missing = | plane1_survivors = | plane2_image = | plane2_alt = | plane2_caption = | plane2_type = | plane2_name = | plane2_operator = | plane2_tailnum = | plane2_origin = | plane2_stopover = | plane2_stopover0 = | plane2_stopover1 = | plane2_stopover2 = | plane2_stopover3 = | plane2_stopover4 = | plane2_stopover5 = | plane2_laststopover = | plane2_destination = | plane2_passengers = | plane2_crew = | plane2_injuries = | plane2_fatalities = | plane2_missing = | plane2_survivors = | plane3_image = | plane3_alt = | plane3_caption = | plane3_type = | plane3_name = | plane3_operator = | plane3_tailnum = | plane3_origin = | plane3_stopover = | plane3_stopover0 = | plane3_stopover1 = | plane3_stopover2 = | plane3_stopover3 = | plane3_stopover4 = | plane3_stopover5 = | plane3_laststopover = | plane3_destination = | plane3_passengers = | plane3_crew = | plane3_injuries = | plane3_fatalities = | plane3_missing = | plane3_survivors = }}
[sunting sumber]Satu pesawat
[sunting sumber]Ringkasan peristiwa | |
Tanggal | 21 Desember 1988 |
Ringkasan | Pengeboman teroris; pesawat meledak |
Lokasi | Lockerbie, Skotlandia |
Penumpang | 243 |
Awak | 16 |
Cedera | 0 |
Tewas | 270 (termasuk 11 di darat) |
Hilang | 0 |
Selamat | 0 |
Jenis pesawat | Boeing 747-121 |
Operator | Pan American World Airways |
Registrasi | N739PA |
Asal | London |
Tujuan | New York |
{{Infobox aircraft occurrence | name = Pan Am Penerbangan 103 | date = {{start date|1988|12|21}} | summary = Pengeboman teroris; pesawat meledak | occurrence_type = Peristiwa | site = [[Lockerbie]], Skotlandia | origin = [[London]] | destination = [[New York]] | passengers = 243 | crew = 16 | injuries = 0 | fatalities = 270 (termasuk 11 di darat) | missing = 0 | survivors = 0 | aircraft_type = [[Boeing 747#747-100|Boeing 747-121]] | operator = [[Pan American World Airways]] | tail_number = N739PA }}
Dua atau tiga pesawat
[sunting sumber]Ringkasan kecelakaan | |
Tanggal | 25 September 1978 |
Ringkasan | Tabrakan udara |
Lokasi | San Diego, California |
Total cedera | 9 (di darat) |
Total tewas | 144 (7 di darat) |
Total selamat | 9 (di darat) |
Pesawat pertama | |
Jenis | Boeing 727-214 |
Operator | Pacific Southwest Airlines |
Registrasi | N533PS |
Asal | Bandar Udara Internasional Sacramento |
Perhentian | Bandar Udara Internasional Los Angeles |
Tujuan | Bandar Udara Internasional San Diego |
Penumpang | 128 |
Awak | 7 |
Tewas | 135 (semua) |
Pesawat kedua | |
Jenis | Cessna 172 |
Operator | Gibbs Flite Center, Inc. |
Registrasi | N7711G |
Asal | Montgomery Field San Diego, California |
Awak | 2 |
Selamat | 0 |
{{Infobox aircraft occurrence | name = Pacific Southwest Airlines Penerbangan 182 | date = {{start date|1978|09|25}} | summary = [[Tabrakan udara]] | occurrence_type = Kecelakaan | site = [[San Diego, California]] | total_injuries = 9 (di darat) | total_fatalities = 144 (7 di darat) | total_survivors = 9 (di darat) | plane1_type = [[Boeing 727|Boeing 727-214]] | plane1_operator = [[Pacific Southwest Airlines]] | plane1_tailnum = N533PS | plane1_origin = [[Bandar Udara Internasional Sacramento]] | plane1_stopover = [[Bandar Udara Internasional Los Angeles]] | plane1_destination = [[Bandar Udara Internasional San Diego]] | plane1_passengers = 128 | plane1_crew = 7 | plane1_fatalities = 135 (semua) | plane1_missing = | plane2_type = [[Cessna 172]] | plane2_operator = {{nowrap|Gibbs Flite Center, Inc.}} | plane2_tailnum = N7711G | plane2_origin = [[Montgomery Field]]<br/>[[San Diego, California]] | plane2_crew = 2 | plane2_survivors = 0 }}
[sunting sumber]Ringkasan insiden | |
Tanggal | 23 Juli 1983 |
Ringkasan | Mendarat darurat setelah kehabisan bahan bakar |
Lokasi | over Quebec, Ontario dan Manitoba, Kanada |
Penumpang | 61 |
Awak | 8 |
Cedera | 10 |
Tewas | 0 |
Hilang | 0 |
Selamat | 69 (semua) |
Jenis pesawat | Boeing 767-233 |
Operator | Air Canada |
Registrasi | C-GAUN |
Asal | Bandar Udara Internasional Montreal-Dorval |
Perhentian | Bandar Udara Internasional Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier |
Tujuan | Bandar Udara Internasional Edmonton |
| name = Air Canada Penerbangan 143 | occurrence_type = Insiden | image = | alt = Pesawat jet terbang ke bawah dengan sudut 20 derajat. | caption = Gambaran Air Canada Penerbangan 143 melakukan terbang [[selip maju]]. | date = {{start date|1983|07|23|df=y}} | summary = Mendarat darurat setelah [[kehabisan bahan bakar]] | site = over [[Quebec]], [[Ontario]] dan [[Manitoba]], Kanada | passengers = 61 | crew = 8 | aircraft_type = [[Boeing 767|Boeing 767-233]] | operator = [[Air Canada]] | tail_number = C-GAUN | origin = [[Bandar Udara Internasional Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau|Bandar Udara Internasional Montreal-Dorval]] | stopover = [[Bandar Udara Internasional Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier]] | destination = [[Bandar Udara Internasional Edmonton]] | injuries = 10 | fatalities = 0 | missing = 0 | survivors = 69 (semua) }}
[sunting sumber]The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.
[sunting sumber]If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, use {{Start date}} (unless the date is before 1583 CE).
If it has a URL, use {{URL}}.
Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.
[sunting sumber]hCard uses HTML classes including:
- adr
- agent
- category
- county-name
- extended-address
- fn
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:
- geo
- latitude
- longitude
Please do not rename or remove these classes; nor collapse nested elements which use them.
[sunting sumber]When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use {{Coord}}'s |name=
- Classes used
The HTML classes this microformat uses include:
- attendee
- contact
- description
- dtend
- dtstart
- location
- organiser
- summary
- url
- vevent