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Proyek 2025

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Proyek 2025
Project 2025
Tanggal pendirian21 April 2022; 2 tahun lalu (2022-04-21)[1]
TujuanMembentuk kembali pemerintah federal AS untuk mendukung agenda dan ideologi Donald Trump
JasaMerekrut + melatih loyalis
Paul Dans (sampai August 2024)
Kevin Roberts
PublikasiMandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise (2023)
Organisasi induk
The Heritage Foundation
$22 million[2]
Situs webproject2025.org Sunting ini di Wikidata

Proyek 2025 (juga dikenal sebagai Proyek Transisi Presiden 2025[3]) adalah sebuah inisiatif politik yang dicanangkan oleh Heritage Foundation, sebuah wadah pemikir konservatif Amerika pada 2022. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan kebijakan konservatif dan sayap kanan untuk membentuk kembali pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat dan mengkonsolidasikan kekuasaan eksekutif, dengan premis bahwa Donald Trump memenangkan pemilihan presiden 2024.[4][5] Proyek ini menegaskan interpretasi kontroversial atas teori eksekutif kesatuan, yang menurutnya seluruh cabang eksekutif berada di bawah kendali penuh presiden.[6][7][8] Proyek tersebut mengusulkan pengklasifikasian ulang puluhan ribu pegawai negeri sipil federal sebagai pegawai yang ditunjuk secara politik untuk menggantikan mereka dengan orang-orang yang setia kepada presiden.[9] Para pendukung proyek ini berpendapat bahwa proyek ini akan menghapus apa yang mereka lihat sebagai birokrasi pemerintah yang besar namun tidak bertanggung jawab, dan sebagian besar liberal.[10] Proyek ini juga bertujuan untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai Kristen konservatif ke dalam pemerintahan dan masyarakat.[11][12] Para kritikus menganggap Proyek 2025 sebagai rencana nasionalis Kristen otoriter untuk mengarahkan AS menuju autokrasi.[11][13][14][15] Para ahli hukum mengatakan bahwa rencana ini akan merusak supremasi hukum,[16] pemisahan kekuasaan,[5] pemisahan gereja dan negara,[17] dan kebebasan sipil.[5][16][18]

Proyek 2025 membayangkan perubahan yang meluas pada kebijakan ekonomi dan sosial serta pemerintah federal dan agensinya. Rencana tersebut mengusulkan untuk mengambil alih kendali partisan dari Departemen Kehakiman (DOJ), Biro Investigasi Federal (FBI), Departemen Perdagangan, Komisi Komunikasi Federal (FCC), dan Komisi Perdagangan Federal (FTC), membubarkan Departemen Keamanan Dalam Negeri (DHS), dan mengurangi peraturan lingkungan dan perubahan iklim untuk mendukung industri bahan bakar fosil.[16][19] Cetakan biru ini mencanangkan pemotongan pajak,[20] namun para penulisnya tidak setuju dengan proteksionisme.[21] Proyek ini merekomendasi untuk membubarkan Departemen Pendidikan Amerika Serikat yang program-programnya akan dialihkan atau dihentikan.[22][23] Pendanaan riset iklim akan dipotong,[24] dan Institut Kesehatan Nasional (NIH) akan dibuat kurang independen, dilarang mendanai penelitian dengan sel punca embrionik atau menggunakan kuota untuk mempromosikan partisipasi yang setara oleh perempuan.[25][26] Proyek ini bertujuan untuk memotong Medicare dan Medicaid,[27][28] dan meminta pemerintah secara eksplisit untuk menolak aborsi sebagai perawatan kesehatan.[29][30] Proyek ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan cakupan kontrasepsi darurat[27] dan menggunakan Undang Undang Comstock untuk mengadili mereka yang mengirim dan menerima kontrasepsi dan pil aborsi.[30][31] Proyek ini mengusulkan untuk mengkriminalisasi pornografi,[32][33] menghapus perlindungan hukum terhadap diskriminasi berdasarkan orientasi seksual dan identitas gender,[33][34] dan mengakhiri program keberagaman, kesetaraan, dan inklusi (DEI)[5][34] serta tindakan afirmatif[35] dengan meminta DOJ mengadili "rasisme anti-kulit putih".[36] Proyek ini merekomendasi untuk penangkapan, penahanan, dan deportasi imigran ilegal yang tinggal di negara tersebut.[37][38][39] Proyek ini mengusulkan pengerahan militer untuk penegakan hukum domestik.[40] Proyek ini mempromosikan hukuman mati dan "finalitas" yang cepat dari hukuman tersebut.[41][42] Proyek ini juga mengharapkan untuk "menghapus semua yang diimplementasikan" oleh pemerintahan Joe Biden.[43]

Secara hukum, Proyek 2025 tidak diperbolehkan untuk mendukung salah satu pasangan calon dalam pemilihan presiden 2024 tanpa membahayakan status bebas pajak 501(c)(3). Namun banyak kontributor Proyek 2025 memiliki hubungan dekat dengan Donald Trump.[44][45][46][47] The Heritage Foundation mempekerjakan banyak orang yang dekat dengan Trump,[48][49][50] termasuk anggota pemerintahannya dari 2017 sampai 2021,[51] dan mengoordinasikan inisiatif tersebut dengan kelompok konservatif yang dijalankan oleh sekutu Trump.[11] Pejabat kampanye Trump telah melakukan kontak rutin dengan Project 2025, dan mengatakan kepada Politico pada tahun 2023 bahwa proyek tersebut selaras dengan program Agenda 47 mereka, meskipun mereka mengatakan bahwa proyek tersebut tidak mewakili Trump atau kampanyenya.[10][52][53][54] Proposal kontroversial proyek tersebut menyebabkan Trump dan kampanyenya menjauhkan diri dari proyek tersebut pada tahun 2024, dengan mengatakan bahwa dia "tidak tahu apa-apa tentangnya" dan bahwa "beberapa hal [yang dikatakan Proyek 2025] benar-benar konyol dan buruk".[48][55][56][57] Sebagai tanggapan, presiden Heritage Kevin Roberts mengatakan tidak ada seorang pun di Proyek 2025 yang memiliki perasaan buruk terhadap Trump karena mereka tahu "dia membuat keputusan taktis politik di sana".[58] Beberapa kritikus telah menolak klaim Trump, menunjuk ke berbagai orang yang dekat dengan Trump yang membantu menyusun proyek tersebut, banyak kontributor yang diharapkan mendapatkan peran kepemimpinan dalam pemerintahan Trump mendatang, dukungannya terhadap rencana Heritage Foundation untuk pemerintahannya pada tahun 2022, dan 300 kali Trump dicatut dalam rencana tersebut.[59][60][61][62]


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  1. ^ Restuccia, Andrew (July 12, 2024). "Project 2025 Has a Radical Agenda for Trump. He Has Other Plans". The Wall Street Journal. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 13, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 27, 2024. The project—which started in April 2022 
  2. ^ Swan, Jonathan (December 1, 2023). "Paleoconservative or Moderate? Questions for Staffing the Next G.O.P. White House". The New York Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 2, 2023. Diakses tanggal December 2, 2023. 
  3. ^ "About Project 2025". The Heritage Foundation. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 13, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 13, 2023. 
  4. ^ Haberman, Maggie; Savage, Charlie; Swan, Jonathan (July 17, 2023). "Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025". The New York Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 13, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 13, 2023. 
  5. ^ a b c d Mascaro, Lisa (August 29, 2023). "Conservative Groups Draw Up Plan to Dismantle the US Government and Replace It with Trump's Vision". Associated Press. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal September 22, 2023. Diakses tanggal September 21, 2023. While many of the Project 2025 proposals are inspired by Trump, they are being echoed by GOP rivals Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy and are gaining prominence among other Republicans. 
  6. ^ Khardori, Ankush (August 12, 2024). "JD Vance's 'Constitutional Crisis' in the Making". Politico. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 15, 2024. Diakses tanggal August 15, 2024. Most provocatively, Vance has suggested in a series of interviews this year that Trump should defy the Supreme Court if the justices invalidated the effort....Despite the objectively dubious legal merits of Schedule F, this Supreme Court might very well sign off on it if Trump is elected and pushes some version of it again in a second administration. 
  7. ^ "A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump's links to its authors". PBS Newshour (dalam bahasa Inggris). July 9, 2024. Diakses tanggal August 15, 2024. 'And constitutional scholars that I have spoken to have said that the decision, that Supreme Court decision, could strengthen the basis of Project 2025, which is known as the unitary executive theory, which essentially says that the president has total control over the executive branch, over all the federal agencies.'...'Professor Moynihan added, Amna, that ultimately the Supreme Court decision could help any future president justify getting rid of longstanding independence of the Justice Department or other agencies that are known to be independent, that it could allow them to justify totally doing away with that.' 
  8. ^ Savage, Charlie (July 4, 2024). "Legal Conservatives' Long Game: Amp Up Presidential Power but Kneecap Federal Agencies". The New York Times (dalam bahasa Inggris). ISSN 0362-4331. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 15, 2024. Diakses tanggal August 15, 2024. 
  9. ^ Licon, Adriana Gomex (July 5, 2024). "Trump denies knowing about Project 2025, his allies' sweeping plan to transform the US government" (dalam bahasa Inggris). Associated Press. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 6, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 6, 2024. The 922-page plan outlines a dramatic expansion of presidential power and a plan to fire as many as 50,000 government workers to replace them with Trump loyalists. 
  10. ^ a b Hirsh, Michael (September 19, 2023). "Inside the Next Republican Revolution". Politico. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 6, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 6, 2023. For Trump personally, of course, this is a live-or-die agenda, and Trump campaign officials acknowledge that it aligns well with their own 'Agenda 47' program. 
  11. ^ a b c Ward, Alexander; Przybyla, Heidi (February 20, 2024). "Trump Allies Prepare to Infuse 'Christian Nationalism' in Second Administration". Politico. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2024. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2024. 
  12. ^ Swenson, Ali (July 3, 2024). "A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution". Associated Press. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 12, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 8, 2024. 
  13. ^ Corn, David. "It's time to start worrying about Christian nationalism". Mother Jones (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 22, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 25, 2024. 
  14. ^ Knox, Olivier (July 18, 2024). "It's Trump's Big Night. Welcome to the Coronation". U.S. News & World Report. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 23, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 26, 2024. 
  15. ^ Carless, Will. "Project 2025 decried as racist. Some contributors have trail of racist writings, activity". USA Today (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 30, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 30, 2024. 
  16. ^ a b c Stone, Peter (November 22, 2023). "'Openly Authoritarian Campaign': Trump's Threats of Revenge Fuel Alarm". The Guardian. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 27, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 27, 2023. 
  17. ^ Ben-Ghiat, Ruth (May 16, 2024). "The Permanent Counterrevolution". The New Republic. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 7, 2024. Diakses tanggal June 13, 2024. 
  18. ^ Larson, Shannon (June 13, 2024). "What to know about Project 2025, the far-right agenda for a second Trump administration". The Boston Globe. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 13, 2024. Diakses tanggal June 15, 2024. 
  19. ^ Ortega, Bob; Lah, Kyung; Gordon, Allison; Black, Nelli (April 27, 2024). "What Trump's war on the 'Deep State' could mean: 'An army of suck-ups'". CNN. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 28, 2024. Diakses tanggal April 28, 2024. Project 2025's blueprint envisions dismantling the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI; disarming the Environmental Protection Agency by loosening or eliminating emissions and climate-change regulations; eliminating the Departments of Education and Commerce in their entirety. 
  20. ^ Cranston, Matthew (May 14, 2024). "What a second Trump presidency could bring". Australian Financial Review. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 13, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 14, 2024. 
  21. ^ "Donald Trump's second term would be a protectionist nightmare". The Economist. October 31, 2023. Diarsipkan dari versi asliPerlu mendaftar (gratis) tanggal October 31, 2023. Diakses tanggal May 12, 2024. 
  22. ^ Stone, Matthew (March 25, 2024). "What Would Happen to K-12 in a 2nd Trump Term? A Detailed Policy Agenda Offers Clues". Education Week. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal March 26, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 12, 2024. 
  23. ^ Schofield, Rob (May 14, 2025). "The Trump team's radical plan to gut American public education". NC Newsline. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 15, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 15, 2024. 
  24. ^ Skibell, Arianna (April 15, 2024). "A deep dive into energy plans for Trump 2.0". Politico. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 13, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 16, 2024. 
  25. ^ George Lundberg, MD (August 12, 2024). "What 'Project 2025' Would Mean for Health and Healthcare". Medscape. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 20, 2024. Diakses tanggal August 20, 2024. 
  26. ^ Schumacher, Erin (May 27, 2024). "Biden's got a plan to protect science from Trump". Politico. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 13, 2024. Diakses tanggal June 5, 2024. 
  27. ^ a b Barrón-López, Laura; Popat, Shrai (May 22, 2024). "Trump's plans for healthcare and reproductive rights if he returns to White House". PBS Newshour. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 23, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 22, 2024. 
  28. ^ Park, Edwin (June 17, 2024). "Project 2025 Blueprint Also Includes Draconian Cuts to Medicaid". Center for Children and Families, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 17, 2024. Diakses tanggal June 18, 2024. 
  29. ^ Miranda, Shauneen (March 2, 2024). "'Department of Life': Trump allies plot abortion crackdown for second term". Axios. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 1, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 1, 2024. 
  30. ^ a b Miranda Ollstein, Alice (January 29, 2024). "The Anti-Abortion Plan Ready for Trump on Day One". Politico. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 3, 2024. Diakses tanggal February 11, 2024. 
  31. ^ Yang, John; Zahn, Harry (March 24, 2024). "Why 2024 may be the most consequential election for reproductive rights in 50 years". PBS Newshour. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 13, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 14, 2024. 
  32. ^ Dans, Paul; Groves, Steven, ed. (2023). Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise (PDF). Washington, D.C.: The Heritage Foundation. ISBN 978-0-89195-174-2. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal November 16, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 15, 2023. 
  33. ^ a b Pengelly, Martin (September 15, 2023). "US Hard-Right Policy Group Condemned for 'Dehumanising' Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric". The Guardian. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal September 15, 2023. Diakses tanggal September 15, 2023. 
  34. ^ a b Barrón-López, Laura; Popat, Shrai (March 27, 2024). "How a second Trump presidency could impact the LGBTQ+ community". PBS NewsHour. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 13, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 5, 2024. 
  35. ^ Tensley, Brandon (April 25, 2024). "'Project 2025' and the Movement That Could Erode Black Equality". Capital B. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 14, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 14, 2024 – via Yahoo! News. 
  36. ^ Thompson, Alex (April 1, 2024). "Exclusive: Trump allies plot anti-racism protections – for white people". Axios. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 14, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 14, 2024. 
  37. ^ "5 Reasons Leftists HATE Project 2025" (PDF). The Heritage Foundation. April 2024. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal July 15, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 3, 2024. 
  38. ^ Brownstein, Ronald (February 8, 2024). "Trump's 'Knock on the Door'". The Atlantic. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 10, 2024. Diakses tanggal February 11, 2024. 
  39. ^ Savage, Charlie; Haberman, Maggie; Swan, Jonathan (November 11, 2023). "Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump's 2025 Immigration Plans". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 5, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 26, 2024. 
  40. ^ Arnsdorf, Isaac; Dawsey, Josh; LeVine, Marianne (December 6, 2023). "Trump 'Dictator' Comment Reignites Criticism His Camp Has Tried to Curb". The Washington Post. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 5, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 5, 2023. The news reports prompted Trump campaign senior adviser Susie Wiles to complain to the project's director, Paul Dans of the Heritage Foundation, saying that the stories were unhelpful and that the organization should stop promoting its work to reporters, according to a person familiar with the call. 
  41. ^ Sarat, Austin (May 14, 2024). "This Should Be a Wake-Up Call to the Biden Administration on the Death Penalty". Salon.com. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 14, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 14, 2024. 
  42. ^ Ortega, Bob; Lah, Kyung; Gordon, Allison; Black, Nelli (April 27, 2024). "What Trump's war on the 'Deep State' could mean: 'An army of suck-ups'". CNN. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 28, 2024. Diakses tanggal April 28, 2024. [Jeffrey] Clark also helped draft portions of the Project 2025 blueprint for a second Trump term, including outlining the use of the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement, as first reported by the Washington Post. 
  43. ^ Logan, Nick (June 27, 2024). "You may hear Project 2025 during the U.S. presidential election campaign. What is that?". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Diakses tanggal July 27, 2024. The Heritage Foundation, the influential group behind Project 2025, has laid out sweeping reforms of virtually every aspect of government, including a plan that critics warn will line the public service with employees loyal to a Republican commander-in-chief, as well as providing an ultra-conservative framework for policies. Its stated goal is to undo most everything implemented in the previous four years of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration. 
  44. ^ Tait, Robert (July 8, 2024). "Republicans call Trump's move to distance himself from Project 2025 preposterous'". The Guardian. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 12, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 10, 2024. Of the 38 people involved in the writing and editing of Project 2025, 31 of them were nominated to positions in Trump's administration or transition team – meaning 81% of the document's creators held formal roles in Trump's presidency. 
  45. ^ Klawans, Justin (February 26, 2024). "The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 wants to reshape America under Trump". The Week. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 15, 2024. Diakses tanggal May 16, 2024. 
  46. ^ Doyle, Katherine (November 17, 2023). "Donations Have Surged to Groups Linked to Conservative Project 2025". NBC News. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 18, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 18, 2023. 
  47. ^ Contorno, Steve (July 11, 2024). "Trump claims not to know who is behind Project 2025. A CNN review found at least 140 people who worked for him are involved". CNN. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 12, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 11, 2024. 
  48. ^ a b Treene, Alayna; Contorno, Steve; Sullivan, Kate (July 5, 2024). "Trump seeks to distance himself from pro-Trump Project 2025" (dalam bahasa Inggris). CNN. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 6, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 6, 2024. In a post to his social media site, Trump claimed, 'I know nothing about Project 2025,' the name given to a playbook crafted by the Heritage Foundation to fill the executive branch with thousands of Trump loyalists and reorient its many agencies' missions around conservative ideals. 
  49. ^ "Trump seeks to distance himself from Project 2025, a plan to transform government". KABC-TV (dalam bahasa Inggris). July 8, 2024. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 9, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 9, 2024. Last week, former President Donald Trump attempted to distance himself from "Project 2025," a sweeping plan to overhaul the federal government proposed by a closely aligned conservative group. 
  50. ^ Contorno, Steve (May 15, 2024). "Trump's playboy past is in the spotlight. His allies are readying a new fight against pornography" (dalam bahasa Inggris). CNN. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 21, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 9, 2024. Given Heritage's influence – the organization is full of the former president's staff, and the person leading Project 2025, Paul Dans, is a former Trump administration official who told a recent gathering of religious broadcasters that he expects to return to the White House if Republicans are victorious this fall... 
  51. ^ Alfonseca, Kiara. "What is Project 2025? A look at the conservative presidential wish list" (dalam bahasa Inggris). ABC News. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 28, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 30, 2024. 
  52. ^ Arnsdorf, Isaac (May 16, 2024). "Trump alumni raising millions for legal defenses while scouting for White House hires". The Washington Post (dalam bahasa Inggris). ISSN 0190-8286. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 15, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 8, 2024. Officials from PPO and Project 2025 are in regular contact with Trump campaign advisers, though the groups' activities are officially separate and unsanctioned. 
  53. ^ Willacy, Mark; Donaldson, Amy (July 15, 2024). "If all goes to plan this man will make Donald Trump one of the most powerful presidents of all time" (dalam bahasa Inggris). ABC News (Australia). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 22, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 24, 2024. But Dans confirmed his team has ongoing connections with the Trump campaign. 'We have integration with folks on the campaign. The reality is ... we often supply ideas and ultimately we hope to offer personnel suggestions,' Dans says. 'This is really going to be the engine room for the next administration. Many of these folks served and will be called upon to serve again.' 
  54. ^ Ibrahim, Nue (July 3, 2024). "What's Project 2025? Unpacking the Pro-Trump Plan to Overhaul US Government". Snopes. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 4, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 4, 2024. Campaign officials once told Politico Project 2025's goals to restructure government ... indeed align with Trump's campaign promises. But in a November 2023 statement, the Trump campaign said: "The efforts by various non-profit groups are certainly appreciated and can be enormously helpful. However, none of these groups or individuals speak for President Trump or his campaign." Without naming Project 2025, they said all policy statements from "external allies" are just "recommendations". 
  55. ^ Gleeson, Cailey (July 5, 2024). "Trump Disavows Project 2025: Calls Some Of Conservative Group's Ideas 'Absolutely Ridiculous And Abysmal'". Forbes. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 9, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 9, 2024. Former President Donald Trump distanced himself on Friday from Project 2025—a controversial package of conservative policy ideas by the Heritage Foundation 
  56. ^ Ensor, Josie (July 9, 2024). "Project 2025: Will Trump follow think tank's ultraconservative agenda?". The Times & The Sunday Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 12, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 10, 2024. While Donald Trump has publicly distanced himself from it 
  57. ^ Bahari, Sarah (July 9, 2024). "What is the Heritage Foundation, the think tank behind Project 2025?". The Dallas Morning News. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 11, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 10, 2024. Trump, meanwhile, has publicly distanced himself from the plan. 
  58. ^ "Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts: "The overlap is tremendous" between Trump's campaign platform and Project 2025". Media Matters. July 11, 2024. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal September 11, 2024. Diakses tanggal September 12, 2024. 
  59. ^ Dent, Alec (July 10, 2024). "Trump 2024 vs. Project 2025". Intelligencer. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 12, 2024. Diakses tanggal July 10, 2024. Of the 37 authors of the project's core agenda, 27 came from Trump's orbit...'It's totally false he doesn't know what P25 is,' one former senior adviser said of Trump's remarks. 'Privately, he is of course talking to Heritage, and [Heritage president] Kevin Roberts has reportedly even met with Trump on P25.'...There is a good chance, though, that he will use at least the project's list of loyalists to staff a second administration. 
  60. ^ Smith, Hayley (July 28, 2024). "Project 2025 plan calls for demolition of NOAA and National Weather Service". Los Angeles Times (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal July 28, 2024. 
  61. ^ Bump, Philip (June 18, 2024). "Trump has unveiled an agenda of his own. He just doesn't mention it much". The Washington Post. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 28, 2024. Diakses tanggal June 25, 2024. The most detailed articulation of what a second Trump term would look like was cobbled together by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. Called 'Project 2025,' it is a book-length presentation of a sweeping overhaul of government and governance. It is also, in the current view of the Trump campaign, an annoyance: It gives Trump's opponents something to point to and elevate to voters as unacceptable, even though it isn't actually offered by Trump himself. 
  62. ^ Durkee, Alison. "Project 2025 Explained: What To Know About The Controversial Right-Wing Policy Map For Trump—As Director Steps Down". Forbes (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 3, 2024. Diakses tanggal August 3, 2024. Trump has also seemingly endorsed Heritage's policy work in the past, saying at a 2022 dinner for the Heritage Foundation that the group was "going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do … when the American people give us a colossal mandate."