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Revisi per 8 Oktober 2014 03.33

C.G.P. Grey
Logo C.G.P. Grey
Pembawa acaraC.G.P. Grey
Durasi1–15 menit
Tayang perdana30 Januari 2011
Situs webCGPGrey di YouTube

C.G.P. Grey adalah saluran YouTube yang menayangkan video-video penjelasan singkat. Video pertama dari saluran ini adalah penjelasan tentang terminologi Kepulauan Britania.[1]

Saluran ini juga memunculkan beberapa pecahan baru, termasuk saluran kedua bernama CGPGrey2 dan saluran berisi daftar video favorit Grey bernama "greysfavs". Selain itu, Grey membuat podcast Hello Internet bersama Brady Haran, pencipta saluran-saluran pendidikan YouTube yang terkenal.


Saluran ini berisi seri Grey Explains, kumpulan video penjelasan[2][3] tentang berbagai topik, termasuk politik, geografi, ekonomi, dan budaya Britania Raya. Videonya dibawakan oleh Grey yang berbicara diiringi animasi dan foto. Musik latarnya sebagian besar dikarang oleh Kevin MacLeod. Meski nyaris seluruh video Grey diisi oleh dirinya sendiri, tidak pernah ada rekaman atau foto Grey di dalam videonya sendiri (kecuali tangannya). Wajahnya selalu dikaburkan ketika muncul di video YouTuber lain;[4] ia sering memakai figur stik berkacamata untuk mewakili penampilannya.[5] Video-videonya juga kadang menyertakan tautan tersembunyi yang membuka video Monty Python.[butuh rujukan] Banyak video yang menampilkan referensi dari beberapa budaya masyarakat seperti Minecraft dan logo Bitcoin.

Grey memakai Final Cut Pro X untuk menyunting dan menambahkan animasi ke dalam video-videonya. Ia merekam suaranya menggunakan Logic Pro X.[6] Video dirilis dengan rentang waktu yang lebih lama ketimbang YouTuber lain; Grey mengatakan bahwa berdasarkan perhitungan cermat, satu dari tiga video yang dibuatnya tidak pernah rampung.[7] Videonya yang mematahkan kesalahpahaman masyarakat telah ditayangkan di CBS.[8] Dua video menjelaskan perbedaan London, Inggris, dan City of London sambil merincikan keanehan-keanehan akibat tradisi yang dipertahankan di City of London.[9][10] Dua video lain yang menjelaskan hukum hak cipta dan The Electoral College diangkat di artikel Mashable.[2] Saluran ini juga menjelaskan kerugian ekonomi koin satu sen Amerika Serikat dalam video berjudul Death to Pennies.[11][12] Video How to Become Pope juga melejit popularitasnya.[13][14]

Beberapa video menjelaskan perbedaan antara berbagai prosedur pemilu. Ia kritis terhadap pemungutan suara first-past-the-post (gerrymandering, kekuasaan minoritas, ketiadaan pemenang Condorcet, sistem dwipartai, efek bocoran) dan membicarakan keuntungan relatif suara alternatif dan perwakilan proporsional beranggota banyak.

Video-video Grey dinilai mudah dipahami dan mencerahkan, khususnya Humans Need Not Apply, video yang tidak masuk dalam seri Grey Explains.[15]

Videografi Grey Explains

Tanggal Video Ref
30 Januari 2011 The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained [16]
9 Maret 2011 The Problems with First Past the Post Voting Explained [17]
6 April 2011 The Alternative Vote Explained
19 April 2011 The True Cost of the Royal Family Explained
23 Mei 2011 How Scotland Joined Great Britain
22 Juni 2011 Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever [18]
12 Juli 2011 Gerrymandering Explained
23 Agustus 2011 Copyright: Forever Less One Day [2]
15 September 2011 What are Continents?
26 September 2011 Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained
24 Oktober 2011 Daylight Saving Time Explained [19]
7 November 2011 The Trouble with the Electoral College
How the Electoral College Works [2]
30 November 2011 Death to Pennies [12]
19 Desember 2011 A Brief History of Santa [3]
30 Desember 2011 2012 & The End Of The World [20]
24 Januari 2012 10 Misconceptions Rundown [8]
30 Januari 2012 Groundhog Day Explained [21]
13 Februari 2012 Primary Elections Explained
8 Animal Misconceptions Rundown
28 Februari 2012 What is a Leap Year? [22]
18 April 2012 5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown [23]
29 Mei 2012 Is Pluto a planet?
23 Juli 2012 The (Secret) City of London, Part 1: History [9]
19 September 2012 The (Secret) City of London, Part 2: Government [10]
10 Oktober 2012 What If the Electoral College is Tied?
4 Desember 2012 Can Texas Secede from the Union? [24]
21 Desember 2012 Holland vs the Netherlands [25]
21 Januari 2013 The Debt Limit Explained [26]
19 Februari 2013 How to Become Pope [13]
9 April 2013 Vatican City Explained
7 Mei 2013 Countries inside Countries: Bizarre Borders Part 1
5 Juni 2013 Canada & The United States: Bizarre Borders Part 2 [27]
2 Juli 2013 The European Union Explained*
16 Juli 2013 How to Become the British Monarch
9 September 2013 What is reddit?
23 Oktober 2013 How many Countries are there?
23 Desember 2013 This Video Will Hurt [28]
12 Februari 2014 The Law You Won't Be Told
9 April 2014 Are Hong Kong & Macau Countries?
4 Juni 2014 Your Family Tree Explained [29]
3 Juli 2014 American Empire [30]

|title = Hello Internet |image = |caption = |hosting = CGP Grey dan Brady Haran |language = Inggris |language_other = |updates = Current |length = 1–2 jam |camera = |direction = |production = |picture format = |video format = |audio format = |began = 31 Januari 2014[31] |ended = |genre = Diskusi |ratings = |cited_for = |cited_as = |provider = |license = |url = http://www.hellointernet.fm/ |num_seasons = 2 |num_episodes = 20 |list_episodes = Daftar episode Hello Internet |Misc = |Audio caption = }}

Hello Internet adalah podcast diskusi rutin yang dibawakan oleh CGP Grey dan Brady Haran. Podcast ini menempati posisi pertama di iTunes di Britania Raya, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Kanada, dan Australia.[32]

Podcast ini berisikan diskusi tentang kehidupan mereka selaku pencipta konten profesional untuk YouTube serta pendapat pribadi dan Pinterest. It is published on a dedicated website and is also published on the YouTube channel "Hello Internet" one "season" behind the website releases.[33] A "season" contains ten episodes. The podcast does not have a schedule for release, and as such is released from anywhere between seven and twenty days. The show was originally meant to be only for 10 episodes, but was extended to at least 2 more series. The word "Freebooting" was suggested by Brady on the podcast, and refers to websites taking videos and re-uploading them to their own website.[34] Embedding a YouTube player is not freebooting according to Brady unless there are images or gifs that eliminate the need for watching the video.

Ada pula diskusi pasca-podcast di Reddit untuk penonton yang ingin mendiskusikan lebih lanjut setiap episodenya.


Struktur episode

Except for early episodes recorded before the podcast was first released to the public, each episode opens with a lengthy "follow up" segment, during which Grey and Brady discuss feedback from the previous episode. After the follow up segment, the episode's topic is discussed in the main segment, which itself contains several mini-segments. These include "Brady's Plane Crash Corner", which features aviation-related news, and "Brady's Paper Cuts", where Brady discusses little things in life that annoy him. The episode structure is not very strict, and the hosts often refer to it as "The two dudes talking" format. The two also sometimes poke fun at each other, such as Grey coining the term "Brady Typing" (i.e., hunt and peck typing). -->


  1. ^ C. G. P. Grey (January 30, 2012). "One Year & 100,000 Subscribers Later (Thank You!)". CGPGrey. YouTube. Diakses tanggal January 20, 2013. 
  2. ^ a b c d Allegra Tepper (July 24, 2012). "These 10 Videos Turn Tough Topics Into Child's Play, 7. C.G.P. Grey: Copyright: Forever Less One Day". Mashable. Diakses tanggal August 9, 2012. 
  3. ^ a b Laura Hibbard (December 20, 2011). "Santa Claus: A Brief History (VIDEO)". Huffington Post. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  4. ^ Veritasium (June 28, 2012). "Science YouTubers Unite! feat. ... CGPGrey". YouTube. Diakses tanggal October 26, 2013. 
  5. ^ "Numbers confuse Americans - Numberphile". Numberphile (YouTube). 25 July 2013. Diakses tanggal 7 November 2013. 
  6. ^ "Twitter / cgpgrey: Finally getting the hang of..." April 6, 2014. Diakses tanggal July 17, 2014. 
  7. ^ "Q&A with Grey #2 (One Million Subscribers)". YouTube. CGP Grey. November 20, 2013. Diakses tanggal July 17, 2014. 
  8. ^ a b Bailey Johnson (January 24, 2012). "Eskimos do not have 100's of words for snow, and other myths debunked". CBS. Diakses tanggal August 9, 2012. 
  9. ^ a b Kieth Shaw (July 23, 2012). "Learn about the London inside London". IT World. Diakses tanggal August 9, 2012. 
  10. ^ a b Sam Gibbs (September 20, 2012). "How to Become the Lord Mayor of the (Secret) City of London". Gizmodo UK. Diakses tanggal September 21, 2012. 
  11. ^ Mary Beth Quirk (January 13, 2012). "The Case Against Pennies Might Make You Want To Send Yours Back To Uncle Sam For Something Useful". Consumerist. Diakses tanggal August 9, 2012. 
  12. ^ a b Bailey Johnson (November 30, 2011). "Death to Pennies". The Feed Blog. CBS. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  13. ^ a b Aaron Blake (February 25, 2013). "Why is the pope always so old? (Video)". Washington Post. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  14. ^ Lindsay Jolivet (February 21, 2013). "How to become pope instructional video goes viral". Yahoo! Canada. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  15. ^ Kasanoff, Bruce (August 18, 2014). "If 'Humans Need Not Apply,' Will All Our Jobs Disappear?". Forbes. Diakses tanggal August 21, 2014. 
  16. ^ Paul Caridad (February 3, 2011). "THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN, ENGLAND & THE UNITED KINGDOM (AND A WHOLE LOT MORE)". Visual News. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  17. ^ C.G.P. Grey (March 9, 2011). "The Problems With First Past the Post Voting Explained". CGPGrey. Diakses tanggal April 15, 2013. 
  18. ^ "Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever (VIDEO)". Huffington Post. June 27, 2011. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  19. ^ David Haglund (March 12, 2012). "Did You See This? Daylight Saving Time Explained". Slate. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  20. ^ Will Goodman (January 3, 2012). "2012 and the end of the world according to the Mayans". The Feed Blog. CBS. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  21. ^ Chris Higgins (February 2, 2013). "Groundhog Day Explained". mental_floss. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  22. ^ Geoff Herbert (February 29, 2012). "Viral Video of the Day: Leap year's extra day, Feb. 29, explained". Syracuse. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  23. ^ Krulwich, Robert (June 20, 2014). "Wrong! Deconstructing 5 Famous History Stories". NPR. Diakses tanggal August 19, 2014. 
  24. ^ Benny Johnson (December 6, 2012). "COULD TEXAS REALLY SECEDE FROM THE UNION? THE ANSWER IS…". The Blaze. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  25. ^ Ed Carrasco (December 27, 2012). "WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HOLLAND AND THE NETHERLANDS? YOUTUBER C.G.P. GREY EXPLAINS [VIDEO]". New Media Rockstars. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  26. ^ Aaron Blake (January 22, 2013). "The debt ceiling, explained (VIDEO)". Washington Post. Diakses tanggal March 4, 2013. 
  27. ^ Robert T. Gonzalez (14 June 2013). "This is the totally bonkers story of the US/Canada border". io9. Diakses tanggal 29 June 2013. 
  28. ^ Casey Chan (December 23, 2013). "Whoa, this YouTube video will hurt you when you watch it". Sploid. Gizmodo. Diakses tanggal December 24, 2013. 
  29. ^ "Your Family Tree Finally Explained (Don't Expect to Understand)". College Humor. June 4, 2014. Diakses tanggal August 19, 2014. 
  30. ^ Klein, Ezra (July 3, 2014). "What maps of America get wrong". Vox. Diakses tanggal August 19, 2014. 
  31. ^ Grey, C.G.P. (2014-01-31). "H.I. #1: Being Wrong on The Internet". Hello Internet. Hellointernet.fm. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-17. 
  32. ^ "CGP Grey & Brady Haran - 'Hello Internet' American iTunes Chart Performance". iTunesCharts.net. Diakses tanggal 2014-07-04. 
  33. ^ Haran, Brady; Grey, C.G.P. (2014-05-28). "Nobody Owns the Facts". Hello Internet (Podcast). Hellointernet.fm. http://www.hellointernet.fm/podcast/13. Diakses pada 2014-06-17. 
  34. ^ Haran, Brady; Grey, C.G.P. (2014-02-26). "Freebooting". Hello Internet (Podcast). Hellointernet.fm. http://www.hellointernet.fm/podcast/5. Diakses pada 2014-06-17. 

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