Sastra abu-abu

Sastra abu-abu adalah bahan dan riset yang dihasilkan oleh organisasi di luar saluran-saluran distribusi dan penerbitan akademik atau komersial tradisional. Jenis publikasi sastra abu-abu umum meliputi laporan (laporan tahunan, riset, laporan teknis, proyek, dll), makalah kerja, dokumen pemerintah, makalah putih dan evaluasi. Organisasi-organisasi yang menghasilkan sastra abu-abu meliputi departemen-departemen dan badan-badan pemerintah, masyarakat sipil atau organisasi non-pemerintah, pusat dan departemen akademik, dan perusahaan dan konsultan swasta.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Bacaan tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Braun, Janice and Lola Raykovic Hopkins. "Collection-Level Cataloging, Indexing, and Preservation of the Hoover Institution Pamphlet Collection on Revolutionary Change in Twentieth Century Europe". Technical Services Quarterly 12:4 (1995): 1–8.
- Cedefop; Eurolib. "EU grey literature: long-term preservation, access, and discovery". Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012. Available:
- Childress, Eric and Erik Jul. "Going Gray: Gray Literature and Metadata". Journal of Internet Cataloging 6:3 (2003): 3–6.
- Denda, Kayo. “Fugitive Literature in the Cross Hairs: An Examination of Bibliographic Control and Access”. Collection Management 27:2 (2002): 75–86.
- D. J. Farace & J. Schöpfel (eds.) (2010). Grey Literature in Library and Information Studies. De Gruyter Saur.[1]
- Harrison, John. 2005.Grey Literature or Fugitive Report Project . MLA Forum, 4(1).
- Hirtle, Peter. 1991. Broadsides vs. Gray Literature. Available:[pranala nonaktif permanen] I/msgOO02O.htm (June 15, 1997).
- Information World. 1996. What is gray literature? Available:[pranala nonaktif permanen], (June 18, 1997).
- Lawrence, A, Houghton J, Thomas J, and Weldon P 2014. Where is the evidence: realising the value of grey literature for public policy and practice Diarsipkan 2015-07-29 di Wayback Machine.. Swinburne Institute for Social Research.
- P. Pejsova (ed.) (2010). Grey Literature Repositories. Radim Bacuvcik VeRBuM, Zlin CZ.[2]
- Schöpfel, Joachim. Observations on the Future of Grey Literature. The Grey Journal 2:2 (2006): 67–76. Available: [3] (December 2009)
- J. Schöpfel & D. J. Farace (2010). `Grey Literature'. In M. J. Bates & M. N. Maack (eds.), Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition, pp. 2029–2039. CRC Press.
- Seeman, Corey. "Collecting and Managing Popular Culture Material: Minor League Team Publications as "Fringe" Material at the National Baseball Hall of Fame Library". Collection Management 27:2 (2002): 3–20.
- Sharma, Jagdish; Nandan, Poonam (2020). "Grey Literature in Health Science Libraries and Indian Institute of Technology Libraries". SRELS Journal of Information Management. 57 (2): 76–83. doi:10.17821/srels/2020/v57i2/150546.
- Sulouff, P., et al. Learning about gray literature by interviewing subject librarians: A study at the University of Rochester. College & Research Libraries News, 66(7) 2005, pp. 510–515.
- White, Herbert. 1984. Managing the Special Library. White Plains, N. Y.: Knowledge Industries Publications, Inc.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]
Lihat entri grey literature di kamus bebas Wiktionary.
![]() | Pranala luar pada artikel ini mungkin tidak sesuai dengan kebijakan atau pedoman Wikipedia. Bantulah memperbaiki artikel ini dengan membuang pranala luar yang berlebihan dan tidak sesuai. (May 2016) |
* About grey literature in medical systematic reviews
- GreyNet: The Grey Literature Network Service
- is a gateway to over 50 million pages of authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. government agencies, including research and development results.
- Science Accelerator searches science, including R&D results, project descriptions, accomplishments, and more, via resources made available by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), U.S. Department of Energy
- The GrayLIT network: A science portal of technical reports Diarsipkan 2007-10-28 di Wayback Machine.. From the Office of Scientific & Technical Information at the United States Department of Energy.
- Grey Literature Library for UK Archaeology Diarsipkan 2009-01-01 di Wayback Machine.
- The International Journal on Grey Literature published one volume in 2000. The content may be limited to subscribers.
- OpenGrey Repository, formerly OpenSIGLE