Richard Bandler
Richard Wayne Bandler | |
![]() Richard Bandler | |
Lahir | 24 Februari 1950 Amerika Serikat |
Pekerjaan | Penulis |
Richard Wayne Bandler (lahir 24 Februari 1950) adalah penulis asal Amerika Serikat dan pelatih di bidang pengembangan pribadi. Dia dikenal bersama dengan John Grinder sebagai pencipta NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), metodologi yang ditujukan untuk memahami dan mengubah pola perilaku manusia. Dia juga mengembangkan sistem lain yang dinamakan Design Human Engineering (DHE) dan Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning (NHR).
Pendidikan dan latar belakang
[sunting | sunting sumber]Bandler meraih gelar BA (1973) dalam bidang filosofi dan psikologi dari University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) dan MA (1975) dalam bidang psikologi dari Lone Mountain College di San Francisco.[1]
Co-founding of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
[sunting | sunting sumber]Bandler membantu Robert Spitzer menyunting The Gestalt Approach (1973) berdasarkan naskah dari gestalt terapis Fritz Perls (yang telah meninggal pada tahun 1970). Dia juga dibantu dengan memeriksa transkrip untuk Eye Witness to Therapy (1973).[2] Menurut Spitzer, "Bandler berbicara dan bertindak seperti Fritz Perls." [3]
Ketika masih menjadi mahasiswa di University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Bandler juga memimpin kelompok terapi Gestalt. John Grinder, seorang profesor di Universitas itu, berkata kepada Bandler bahwa ia dapat menjelaskan hampir semua pertanyaan dan komentar yang dibuat Bandler dengan menggunakan tata bahasa transformasional, spesialisasi Grinder dalam linguistik. Mereka mengembangkan sebuah model untuk terapi dan menyebutnya Meta-Model. Ini adalah dasar untuk buku pertama mereka, The Structure of Magic (1975).
Meta model |
Richard Bandler |
Fritz Perls |
Kasus Corine Christensen
[sunting | sunting sumber]Pada tanggal 3 November 1986 Corine Christensen, seorang pelacur, dan pacar dari temannya dan bandar kokain, James Marino,[4] ditembak mati di rumahnya menggunakan .357 magnum milik Bandler. Bandler bersaksi bahwa dia ada di rumah Christensen dan tidak dapat mencegah lelaki lain yang menembak Christensen di wajahnya.[5] Bandler dibebaskan setelah menjalani pemeriksaan selama lima setengah jam.[6] Kasus itu masih belum terpecahkan.
Buku karya Bandler
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Bandler, Richard & John Grinder (1975a). The Structure of Magic I: A Book About Language and Therapy. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books. ISBN 0-8314-0044-7.
- Bandler, Richard & John Grinder (1975b). The Structure of Magic II: A Book About Communication and Change. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books. ISBN 0-8314-0049-8.
- Grinder, John, Richard Bandler (1976). Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume I. Cupertino, CA :Meta Publications.
- John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Judith Delozier (1977). Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume II. Cupertino, CA :Meta Publications.
- John Grinder, Richard Bandler (1979). Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming. Moab, UT: Real People Press. hlm. 194pp. ISBN 0-911226-19-2.
- Grinder, John; Richard Bandler; Connirae Andreas (Ed.) (1981). Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis. Moab, UT: Real People Press. ISBN 0-911226-23-0.
- Grinder, John and Richard Bandler (1983). Reframing: Neurolinguistic programming and the transformation of meaning. Moab, UT: Real People Press. hlm. –. ISBN 0-911226-25-7.
- Using Your Brain for a Change, 1985 (ISBN 0-911226-27-3)
- Magic in Action, 1992 (ISBN 0-916990-14-1)
- Time for a Change, 1993 (ISBN 0-916990-28-1)
- Richard Bandler (1993). The Adventures of Anybody. Meta Publications. hlm. 96pp. ISBN 0-916990-29-X.
- Richard Bandler, John La Valle (1996). Persuasion Engineering. Meta Publications. hlm. 230pp. ISBN 978-0-916990-36-7.
- Richard Bandler (August 21, 2008). Get The Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. HCi. hlm. –229. ISBN 978-0-7573-0776-8.
- Richard Bandler (2008). Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation: How to harness the power of hypnosis to ignite effortless and lasting change (published in UK as Make Your Life Great). HCi. hlm. 284. ISBN 978-0757307775.
- Richard Bandler, Owen Fitzpatrick (2009). Conversations with Richard Bandler: Two NLP Masters Reveal the Secrets to Successful Living (Freedom Is Everything and Love Is All the Rest). Ealth Communications. hlm. 354pp. ISBN 0-9551353-0-3.
- Richard Bandler, Garner Thomson (2011). The Secrets of Being Happy: The Technology of Hope, Health, and Harmony. IM Press. hlm. 256pp. ISBN 978-0982780404.
- Richard Bandler, Alessio Roberti, Owen Fitzpatrick (2013). The Ultimate Introduction to NLP: How to build a successful life. HarperCollins. hlm. 160pp. ISBN 978-0007497416.
Publikasi audio
[sunting | sunting sumber]Audio programs
- 2001 – Self Esteem – Rhythm Trance, This CD has a hypnotic trance and music.
- 2001 – Time Out of Your Mind (Time Distortion), This is excerpted from Design Human Engineering held in Orlando in 2001.
- 2001 – Adventures in Multiple Timelines,
- 2003 – Propulsion Systems, Learn how to install strategies so that the more one tries to go back, the more one moves forward.
- 2000 – DHE2000, Design human engineering workshop with John La Valle @ NLP Seminars Group International in Orlando, Florida.
- 2000's – "Your Own Personal Genius" – a UK seminar
Publikasi Video
[sunting | sunting sumber]Beberapa video tidak menyebutkan tanggal produksinya.
- 1982
- The Marshall University Tapes, Filmed circa 1982, Richard has spoken about these 3 sessions in many of his seminars. 1. Anticipatory Loss 2. Authority Figures 3. Phobic Response
- 1987
- Personal Outcomes, filmed at NLP Comprehensive.
- Patterns of Intimacy, Flirtation, class on how to flirt.
- 1989
- Client Sessions, Shyness,
- Creating Therapeutic Change, taped in Boulder, Colorado – 7 videos: Layering Responses, Propulsion systems, Attitudes, Perceptual Grids, Nonverbal Amplifications, Playing with Problems, & Weaving Complexes;
- 1980s
- Bandler in Montreal, workshop in Montreal.
- 1990s
- An Evening with Richard Bandler – State of the Art, taped in England.
- Bandler down under, doing a workshop in Australia.
- 2000
- Konstanz 2000, workshop in Konstanz, Germany, Richard shares his latest developments and refinements, stories and inductions, an introduction to NLP-DHE-NHR.
- 2001
- Welcome to Reality, workshop in Ascona, Switzerland, What strategies does Richard Bandler use to be able to talk for hours? . . . with no notes . . . and with people carefully listening?
- 2003
- Ascona, Bandler strategies, seminar in Ascona, Switzerland.
- The Art and Science of Nested Loops, seminar in Orlando, Florida.
- Trancing in and out, takes the class through different trances & demonstrations, seminar in Zurich, Switzerland
- How to Live a Happy Life, 30 Years of NLP,
- 2004
- Persuasion Engineering, With John Lavalle.
- 2005
- It's About Time (Time Distortion), Richard Bandler from a 'Charisma Enhancement' seminar in Orlando Florida
- The Bandler Effect, Bandler wearing a suit. 5 DVDs – Confidence, Creativity, Motivation, Health, & Changing Habits;
- The Class of a Master, 4 DVDs – Instant Talent, Inner Beauty, Rapid Hypnotic Inductions, & Fantastic Futures;
- 2007
- Experimental Hypnosis, From a seminar held in Zurich, Switzerland. Here he decides to actually experiment with deeper forms of direct hypnosis and all the participants in the group were in a way test subjects.
- 2000's
- Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning, Introduction to NHR with a demonstration of the "handshake interrupt" hypnosis induction on four different participants.
- 2010
- An Evening With Richard Bandler: Introduction to NLP from THE UKCO, filmed in front of a live audience, with examples of his remedial work.
- Face to Face with Richard Bandler and Paul Ross from THE UKCO, a live audience asks Richard questions regarding psychology, education, relationships etc.
- 2011
- The Secrets of Success DVD Box Set from THE UKCO, Richard models the secrets of success featuring: Chef Aldo Zilli, Olympic Gold medal-winner Iwan Thomas, businessman Andrew Morris and actor, Christopher Ellison.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Clancy, Frank; Yorkshire, Heidi (1989). "THE BANDLER METHOD". AMERICAN BUDDHA ONLINE LIBRARY. Mother Jones Magazine. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-03-17. Diakses tanggal 2 June 2013.
- ^ The Gestalt Approach and Eye Witness to Therapy (1973) ISBN 0-8314-0034-X
- ^ Spitzer, R. (1992) Virginia Satir and the Origins of NLP Diarsipkan 2009-09-20 di Wayback Machine., Anchor Point, 6(7)
- ^
- ^ The Bandler Method Diarsipkan 2013-03-17 di Wayback Machine. Mother Jones. 1989. Retrieved via, January 10, 2013.
- ^ Psychotherapist Not Guilty In Prostitute's Murder, Jury Finds. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1988.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]Biografi dan pranala pribadi
[sunting | sunting sumber]NLP
[sunting | sunting sumber]DHE dan NHR
[sunting | sunting sumber]- NHR Events Diarsipkan 2011-08-07 di Wayback Machine.
Video klip
[sunting | sunting sumber]- What is NLP Interview with Richard Bandler in London