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CC Ādi 17.153: The Lord said, "You drink cows' milk; therefore the cow is your mother. And the bull produces grains for your maintenance; therefore he is your father.

CC Ādi 17.154: "Since the bull and cow are your father and mother, how can you kill and eat them? What kind of religious principle is this? On what strength are you so daring that you commit such sinful activities?"

CC Ādi 17.155: The Kazi replied, "As You have Your scriptures called the Vedas and Purāṇas, we have our scripture, known as the holy Koran.

CC Ādi 17.156: "According to the Koran, there are two ways of advancement — through increasing the propensity to enjoy, and through decreasing the propensity to enjoy. On the path of decreasing attachment [nivṛtti-mārga], the killing of animals is prohibited.

CC Ādi 17.157: "On the path of material activities, there is regulation for killing cows. If such killing is done under the guidance of scripture, there is no sin."

CC Ādi 17.158: As a learned scholar, the Kazi challenged Caitanya Mahāprabhu, "In Your Vedic scriptures there is an injunction for killing a cow. On the strength of this injunction, great sages performed sacrifices involving cow-killing."

CC Ādi 17.159: Refuting the Kazi's statement, the Lord immediately replied, "The Vedas clearly enjoin that cows should not be killed. Therefore every Hindu, whoever he may be, avoids indulging in cow-killing.

CC Ādi 17.160: "In the Vedas and Purāṇas there are injunctions declaring that if one can revive a living being, one can kill it for experimental purposes.

CC Ādi 17.161: "Therefore the great sages sometimes killed old cows, and by chanting Vedic hymns they brought them back to life for perfection.

CC Ādi 17.162: "The killing and rejuvenation of such old and invalid cows was not truly killing but an act of great benefit.

CC Ādi 17.163: "Formerly there were powerful brāhmaṇas who could make such experiments using Vedic hymns, but now, because of the Kali-yuga, brāhmaṇas are not so powerful. Therefore the killing of cows and bulls for rejuvenation is forbidden.

CC Ādi 17.164: "'In this Age of Kali, five acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse in sacrifice, the offering of a cow in sacrifice, the acceptance of the order of sannyāsa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, and a man's begetting children in his brother's wife.'

CC Ādi 17.165: "Since you Muslims cannot bring killed cows back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance.

CC Ādi 17.166: "Cow-killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.

CC Ādi 17.167: "There are many mistakes and illusions in your scriptures. Their compilers, not knowing the essence of knowledge, gave orders that were against reason and argument."

CC Ādi 17.168: After hearing these statements by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the Kazi, his arguments stunned, could not put forward any more words. Thus, after due consideration, the Kazi accepted defeat and spoke as follows.

CC Ādi 17.169: "My dear Nimāi Paṇḍita, what You have said is all true. Our scriptures have developed only recently, and they are certainly not logical and philosophical.

[[Berkas:Beef cuts id.svg|thumb|400px|Potongan daging sapi sistem [[Amerika Serikat]]]]
[[Berkas:Beef cuts id.svg|thumb|400px|Potongan daging sapi sistem [[Amerika Serikat]]]]
'''Daging sapi''' ([[Bahasa Inggris]]: ''beef'') adalah jaringan [[otot]] yang diperoleh dari [[sapi]] yang biasa dan umum digunakan untuk keperluan konsumsi makanan. Di setiap daerah, penggunaan [[daging]] ini berbeda-beda tergantung dari cara pengolahannya. Sebagai contoh [[has luar (sapi)|has luar]], [[daging iga (sapi)|daging iga]] dan [[T-Bone]] sangat umum digunakan di [[Eropa]] dan di [[Amerika Serikat]] sebagai bahan pembuatan [[steak]] sehingga bagian sapi ini sangat banyak diperdagangkan. Akan tetapi seperti di [[Indonesia]] dan di berbagai negara [[Asia]] lainnya daging ini banyak digunakan untuk makanan berbumbu dan bersantan seperti [[sup konro]] dan [[rendang]].
'''Daging sapi''' ([[Bahasa Inggris]]: ''beef'') adalah jaringan [[otot]] yang diperoleh dari [[sapi]] yang biasa dan umum digunakan untuk keperluan konsumsi makanan. Di setiap daerah, penggunaan [[daging]] ini berbeda-beda tergantung dari cara pengolahannya. Sebagai contoh [[has luar (sapi)|has luar]], [[daging iga (sapi)|daging iga]] dan [[T-Bone]] sangat umum digunakan di [[Eropa]] dan di [[Amerika Serikat]] sebagai bahan pembuatan [[steak]] sehingga bagian sapi ini sangat banyak diperdagangkan. Akan tetapi seperti di [[Indonesia]] dan di berbagai negara [[Asia]] lainnya daging ini banyak digunakan untuk makanan berbumbu dan bersantan seperti [[sup konro]] dan [[rendang]].

Revisi per 8 November 2010 14.44

CC Ādi 17.153: The Lord said, "You drink cows' milk; therefore the cow is your mother. And the bull produces grains for your maintenance; therefore he is your father.

CC Ādi 17.154: "Since the bull and cow are your father and mother, how can you kill and eat them? What kind of religious principle is this? On what strength are you so daring that you commit such sinful activities?"

CC Ādi 17.155: The Kazi replied, "As You have Your scriptures called the Vedas and Purāṇas, we have our scripture, known as the holy Koran.

CC Ādi 17.156: "According to the Koran, there are two ways of advancement — through increasing the propensity to enjoy, and through decreasing the propensity to enjoy. On the path of decreasing attachment [nivṛtti-mārga], the killing of animals is prohibited.

CC Ādi 17.157: "On the path of material activities, there is regulation for killing cows. If such killing is done under the guidance of scripture, there is no sin."

CC Ādi 17.158: As a learned scholar, the Kazi challenged Caitanya Mahāprabhu, "In Your Vedic scriptures there is an injunction for killing a cow. On the strength of this injunction, great sages performed sacrifices involving cow-killing."

CC Ādi 17.159: Refuting the Kazi's statement, the Lord immediately replied, "The Vedas clearly enjoin that cows should not be killed. Therefore every Hindu, whoever he may be, avoids indulging in cow-killing.

CC Ādi 17.160: "In the Vedas and Purāṇas there are injunctions declaring that if one can revive a living being, one can kill it for experimental purposes.

CC Ādi 17.161: "Therefore the great sages sometimes killed old cows, and by chanting Vedic hymns they brought them back to life for perfection.

CC Ādi 17.162: "The killing and rejuvenation of such old and invalid cows was not truly killing but an act of great benefit.

CC Ādi 17.163: "Formerly there were powerful brāhmaṇas who could make such experiments using Vedic hymns, but now, because of the Kali-yuga, brāhmaṇas are not so powerful. Therefore the killing of cows and bulls for rejuvenation is forbidden.

CC Ādi 17.164: "'In this Age of Kali, five acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse in sacrifice, the offering of a cow in sacrifice, the acceptance of the order of sannyāsa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, and a man's begetting children in his brother's wife.'

CC Ādi 17.165: "Since you Muslims cannot bring killed cows back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance.

CC Ādi 17.166: "Cow-killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.

CC Ādi 17.167: "There are many mistakes and illusions in your scriptures. Their compilers, not knowing the essence of knowledge, gave orders that were against reason and argument."

CC Ādi 17.168: After hearing these statements by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the Kazi, his arguments stunned, could not put forward any more words. Thus, after due consideration, the Kazi accepted defeat and spoke as follows.

CC Ādi 17.169: "My dear Nimāi Paṇḍita, what You have said is all true. Our scriptures have developed only recently, and they are certainly not logical and philosophical.

Potongan daging sapi sistem Amerika Serikat

Daging sapi (Bahasa Inggris: beef) adalah jaringan otot yang diperoleh dari sapi yang biasa dan umum digunakan untuk keperluan konsumsi makanan. Di setiap daerah, penggunaan daging ini berbeda-beda tergantung dari cara pengolahannya. Sebagai contoh has luar, daging iga dan T-Bone sangat umum digunakan di Eropa dan di Amerika Serikat sebagai bahan pembuatan steak sehingga bagian sapi ini sangat banyak diperdagangkan. Akan tetapi seperti di Indonesia dan di berbagai negara Asia lainnya daging ini banyak digunakan untuk makanan berbumbu dan bersantan seperti sup konro dan rendang.

Selain itu ada beberapa bagian daging sapi lain seperti lidah, hati, hidung, jeroan dan buntut hanya digunakan di berbagai negara tertentu sebagai bahan dasar makanan.

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