Templat:Infobox gua
![]() | Templat ini menggunakan Lua: |
Templat ini digunakan sebagai kotak info untuk artikel bertopik gua.
[sunting sumber]{{{name}}} | |
{{{other_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{photo}}}|{{{photo_width}}}|alt={{{photo_alt}}}|upright=1.15]] {{{photo_caption}}} | |
Lokasi | {{{location}}} |
Grid OS | {{{grid_ref_UK}}}{{{grid_ref}}} |
Grid Irlandia | {{{grid_ref_Ireland}}}{{{grid_ref}}} |
Koordinat | 0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E{{{coords_ref}}} |
Kedalaman | {{{depth}}} |
Panjang | {{{length}}} |
Rentang tinggi | {{{height_variation}}} |
Ketinggian dpl | {{{elevation}}} |
Ditemukan | {{{discovery}}} |
Geologi | {{{geology}}} |
Pintu masuk | {{{entrance_count}}} |
Daftar pintu masuk | {{{entrance_list}}} |
Tingkat kesulitan | {{{difficulty}}} |
Bahaya | {{{hazards}}} |
Akses | {{{access}}} |
Pembukaan untuk wisata | {{{show_cave}}} |
Panjang yang dapat dijelajahi | {{{show_cave_length}}} |
Penerangan | {{{lighting}}} |
Pengunjung | {{{visitors}}} |
Fitur | {{{features}}} |
Terjemahan | {{{translation}}} ({{{language}}}) |
Pengucapan | {{{pronunciation}}} |
Survei gua | {{{survey}}} (in {{{survey_format}}}) |
BRAC grade | {{{BCRA_GRADE}}} |
Registri | {{{registry}}} |
{{{free_label_1}}} | {{{free_data_1}}} |
{{{free_label_2}}} | {{{free_data_2}}} |
Situs web | {{{website}}} |
{{{embedded}}} |
Penggunaan dasar | Penggunaan lengkap |
{{Infobox cave | name = | other_name = | photo = | photo_width = | photo_alt = | photo_caption = | map = <!-- or | map_image = --> | map_width = | map_alt = | map_caption = | mapframe = <!-- set to "yes" to show an interactive map --> | location = | land_registry_number= | grid_ref_UK = | grid_ref_Ireland = | grid_ref = | coords = | coords_ref = | depth = | length = | height_variation = | elevation = | discovery = | geology = | entrance_count = | entrance_list = | difficulty = | hazards = | access = | show_cave = | show_cave_length = | lighting = | visitors = | features = | survey = | survey_format = | website = }} |
{{Infobox cave | child = | name = | other_name = | alt_name = <!-- Image --> | photo = | photo_width = | photo_alt = | photo_caption = <!-- Map --> | map = <!-- or | map_image = --> | map_width = | relief = | map_alt = | map_caption = | label = | label_position = | mark = | mark_width = | location = | grid_ref_UK = | grid_ref_Ireland = | grid_ref = | coords = | coords_ref = | mapframe = <!-- set to "yes" to show an interactive map --> <!-- Stats --> | depth = | length = | height_variation = | elevation = | discovery = | geology = | entrance_count = | entrance_list = | difficulty = | hazards = | access = | show_cave = | show_cave_length = | lighting = | visitors = | features = | translation = | language = | pronunciation = | survey = | survey_format = | bcra_grade = | registry = | free_label_1 = | free_data_1 = | free_label_2 = | free_data_2 = | website = | embedded = }} |
[sunting sumber]Minnetonka Cave | |
Minnetonka Cave, administered by the U.S. Forest Service | |
Lokasi | Bear Lake County, Idaho, United States |
Koordinat | 42°5′14″N 111°31′7″W / 42.08722°N 111.51861°W |
Ditemukan | 1907 |
Geologi | Karst cavern, Mississippian Limestone |
Pintu masuk | 1 |
Akses | Tours are available in season |
{{Infobox cave | name = Minnetonka Cave | photo = Minnetonka Cave.JPG | photo_caption = Minnetonka Cave, administered by the U.S. Forest Service | map = USA | relief = 1 | location = [[Bear Lake County, Idaho]], [[United States]] | depth = | length = | coords = {{coord|42|5|14|N|111|31|7|W|type:landmark_region:US-ID|display=inline<!--,title-->}} | coords_ref = | survey = | survey_format = | discovery = 1907 | geology = [[Karst topography|Karst cavern]], [[Mississippian age|Mississippian]] [[Limestone]] | entrance_count = 1 | entrance_list = | difficulty = | hazards = | access = Tours are available in season }}
Deskripsi parameter
[sunting sumber]Satu-satunya parameter yang harus ada adalah name
Parameter | Deskripsi |
name |
Nama gua, wajib diisi dan akan muncul di atas di atas kotak info. Penulisannya haruslah sama dengan artikel tanpa dilengkapi disambiguasi. |
other_name |
Menampilkan nama dalam bahasa daerah. |
photo |
Foto gua, tidak perlu pemformatan apa pun. |
photo_width |
Determines the width of the image. The default and maximum value is 256px. Images with a horizontal orientation (landscape mode) will generally display well at the default setting. An image with vertical orientation (portrait mode) will need to be adjusted. For example, photo_width=200 and not photo_width=200px .
photo_alt |
Alt text for the photo, for visually impaired readers. See WP:ALT. |
photo_caption |
The caption that will appear below the image if one is required. |
map |
The name of the location map to be displayed. See Map display. To use a static image, use |map_image=
map_image |
The file name of a static map image to be displayed. To use a location map, use |map= .
map_width |
Determines the width of the map. The default width is 220px and maximum width is 256px. For example, map_width=180 and not map_width=180px .
map_alt |
Alt text for the map. See WP:ALT. |
map_caption |
The caption that will appear below the map if one is required. |
relief |
Selects a relief map when assigned any value. This is functional when a location map template is used. See Map display methods. |
mark |
A marker which shows the location of the cave on a map. The default image is Red pog.svg. For more information, see Template:Location map. |
marker_size |
The width of the location marker image in pixels. Seldom used. The default width is 8px. |
label_position |
This seldom used parameter will generate a text label next to the a location marker. Valid values are left , right , top and bottom . If no value is assigned to the label parameter below, the name will be used.
label |
Text that will be displayed next to the location marker. See label_position above.
location |
The location of the cave. Don't be too precise. County, state and country are good in the USA. If the area is within a city specify the city, state and country. If the area is in multiple counties just list the state and country. For areas in other countries adjust accordingly. The text should be meaningful to a reader who lacks knowledge of local geography. |
coords coordinates |
For the {{Coord}} template. Will generate a location marker if a map is used. See the Coord template documentation for information on adding type , source , format , region , and display data. Using display:inline,title is recommended.
coords_ref coordinates ref |
Used with either coordinate display method above. Strongly recommended. Specify a citation for the coordinates using <ref>...</ref> tags.
land_registry_number |
Reference number of the cave in the relevant land registry. |
depth |
The distance from the surface to the deepest portion of the cave. |
length |
The surveyed length of the cave. |
height_variation |
The variation in height of the [show] cave passageway, e.g. 5m (+2m, -3m) |
elevation |
The elevation of the cave entrance above sea level. |
discovery |
The date the cave was discovered and who discovered it. |
geology |
Is the cave in limestone, marble, dolomite, shale, conglomerate, basalt or something else. Is it a sea cave, lava tube, or karst cave. See the Cave article. |
entrance_count |
The number of entrances. |
entrance_list |
A list of entrances. |
difficulty |
The skill level required to explore the cave safely. Don't use a number unless you supply a link to site that explains what the number means. |
hazards |
Are there hazards such as sumps, flooding, strong underwater currents, rock falls, or histoplasmosis. |
access |
Is access private, public, restricted, by permit only, etc.? When are tours available. |
show_cave |
See the show cave article. Give the year it was opened. |
show_cave_length |
The length of the show cave tour. |
lighting |
What kind of lighting is used in the show cave. |
visitors |
The number of visitors in a recent year if known. |
features |
Features of special interest found in the cave, which might include speleogens such as boxwork, anthodites, lavacicles, or helictites. |
survey |
If a cave survey has been done, then when was it and who did it. |
survey_format |
The cave survey software package used. For example: Survex. |
registry register |
The name of a cave registry. Preferably with a footnote citing the register webpage. |
Tampilan peta
[sunting sumber]Terdapat 3 jenis peta yang digunakan di kotak info ini: Peta berbasis gambar, peta pushpin, serta peta interaktif (mapframe).
Map images
[sunting sumber]Any image file can be displayed as a map: pass the file name (without File: or Image: prefix) to |map=
Location maps
[sunting sumber]A marker can be superimposed on a map using one of a set of special map templates. To display a marker, the geographic coordinates must be specified using the {{Coord}} template inside the |coordinates=
parameter. See the documentation for {{Location map}}. The parameters for this template map to a subset of the parameters used by {{Location map}}. A map template can be found using these sources:
- List of templates – Many of the listed items are redirects and a few templates may not function as expected.
- Category:Location map templates - templates sorted by category.
- Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Location map/Info – a search that might help.
- Special:PrefixIndex/Module:Location map/data/ – another search that might help.
- Special:Prefixindex/Template:Location map – another search that might help.
All of the names begin with the words "Location map" followed by the area covered. The value you need to specify is the area name. The map template for Canada is Location map/data/Canada. In this case specify |map=Canada
Four Corners, Canada | |
Koordinat | 60°N 102°W / 60°N 102°W |
{{Infobox cave | name = Four Corners, Canada | map = Canada | map_caption = Example location map using geographic coordinates | coordinates = {{coord|60|N|102|W|display=inline <!-- for documentation page only - not general practice --> }} }}
Parameter |display=inline,title
dapat ditambah untuk membuat koordinat muncul di dalam kotak info sekaligus bagian atas artikel.
[sunting sumber]Four Corners, Canada | |
![]() Example mapframe map using geographic coordinates, using (Tatar) | |
Koordinat | 60°N 102°W / 60°N 102°W |
Templat:Infobox mapframe/doc/parameters
Parameter khusus Kepulauan Britania
[sunting sumber]Nama bidang | Deskripsi |
grid_ref_UK |
Jika berlokasi di Britania Raya, gunakan rujukan grid Britania. |
grid_ref_Ireland |
Jika berlokasi di Irlandia (termasuk Republik maupun Irlandia Utara), gunakan rujukan grid Irlandia. |
grid_ref |
Gunakan kutipan dengan tag<ref>...</ref> .
Contoh kotak info untuk gua di Kepulauan Britania
[sunting sumber]Aveline's Hole | |
![]() Aveline's Hole | |
Lokasi | Mendip Hills, Somerset, England |
Grid OS | ST 4761 5867 |
Kedalaman | 16 meter (52 ft) |
Panjang | 68 meter (223 ft) |
Ketinggian dpl | 99 meter (325 ft) |
Ditemukan | 1797 |
Geologi | Limestone |
Registri | Mendip Cave Registry[1] |
{{Infobox cave | name = Aveline's Hole | photo = Avelineshole.jpg | photo_caption = Aveline's Hole | location = [[Mendip Hills]], [[Somerset]], [[England]] | grid_ref_UK = ST 4761 5867 | depth = {{convert|16|m}} | length = {{convert|68|m}} | elevation = {{convert|99|m}} | discovery = 1797 | geology = Limestone | difficulty = | hazards = | access = | registry = Mendip Cave Registry<ref>{{cite mcra |id=3 |name=Aveline's Hole |accessdate=2012-03-30}}</ref> }}
Untuk registri lainnya, gunakan tag <ref>...</ref>
dan {{cite web}}.