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Templat:Infobox artis ShawBros

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Infobox artis ShawBros
Nama lahir {{{birthname}}}
Nama lain {{{othername}}}
Lahir {{{birthdate}}}
Kota Sekarang {{{currentcity}}}
Kebangsaan {{{nationality}}}
Nasional {{{people}}}
Alamat {{{address}}}
Kota Wargawan {{{ethnicity}}}
Kota Alamat Tinggal {{{residence}}}
Tempat Kota {{{home_town}}}
Leluhur {{{ancestry}}}
Asal {{{origin}}}
Kota Asal {{{originplace}}}
Asli {{{etnic}}}
Negara {{{country of region}}}
Bahasa {{{language}}}
Meninggal {{{deathdate}}}
Tempat tinggal {{{restingplace}}}
Pekerjaan {{{occupation}}}
Tanggal aktif {{{debutdate}}}
Tahun aktif {{{yearsactive}}}
Perusahaan Film {{{Studios}}}
Bersih {{{cleaner}}}
Suara {{{voice}}}
Hubungan {{{partner}}}
Mempengaruhi {{{influences}}}
Dipengaruhi {{{influenced}}}
Pasangan {{{spouse}}}
Pasangan domestik {{{domesticpartner}}}
Anak {{{children}}}
Orang tua {{{parents}}}
Almameter {{{almameter}}}
Agama {{{religion}}}
Situs resmi {{{website}}}


[sunting sumber]

Salin templat berikut ini:

{{Infobox artis ShawBros
| name = {{PAGENAME}}
| image = 
| imagesize = 
| caption = 
| birthname =
| othername =
| birthdate =
| birthplace =
| currentcity =
| ancestry = 
| origin = 
| residence = 
| nationality = 
| ethnicity = 
| home_town = 
| television = 
| people =
| address = 
| originplace =
| etnic =
| country of region =
| language =
| debutdate =
| deathdate =
| deathplace =
| restingplace =
| restingplacecoordinates =
| occupation =
| yearsactive =
| skin =
| cleaner =
| voice =
| partner =
| influences =
| influenced =
| spouse =
| domesticpartner =
| children =
| parents =
| almameter =
| religion =
| website =
| awards =