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Liu Hui

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Infobox orangLiu Hui

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Liu Hui (hidup pada abad ke-3) adalah salah satu matematikawan terbaik pada masa China kuno. Ia tinggal di negara Cao Wei saat periode Tiga Kerajaan dalam sejarah China.

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  • Chen, Stephen. "Changing Faces: Unveiling a Masterpiece of Ancient Logical Thinking." South China Morning Post, Sunday, January 28, 2007.
  • Guo, Shuchun, "Liu Hui" Diarsipkan 2007-09-29 di Wayback Machine.. Encyclopedia of China (Mathematics Edition), 1st ed.
  • Hsu, Mei-ling. "The Qin Maps: A Clue to Later Chinese Cartographic Development," Imago Mundi (Volume 45, 1993): 90-100.
  • Needham, Joseph & C. Cullen (Eds.) (1959). Science and Civilisation in China: Volume III, section 19. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-05801-5.
  • Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 3, Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd.
  • Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 3, Civil Engineering and Nautics. Taipei: Caves Books Ltd.
  • Ho Peng Yoke: Liu Hui, Dictionary of Scientific Biography
  • Yoshio Mikami: Development of Mathematics in China and Japan.
  • Crossley, J.M et al., The Logic of Liu Hui and Euclid, Philosophy and History of Science, vol 3, No 1, 1994 this bo chen

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