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Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

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Inspired by Carrite, here are a few observations about Wikipedia of my own.

  • Starting an article at Wikipedia is like raising a kid. You try to set them up on a good foundation and hope they'll develop and progress in the right way, without getting mixed up with the wrong people and getting themselves killed. Ultimately, however, all you can do when you post a piece is wave goodbye and hope for the best.
Sekeras-kerasnya kita bertarung melawan vandal. Kita gak bisa selamanya "ngejagain" tulisan kita terus. Ujung-ujungnya ya, harus dilepas dan di-ikhlaskan. Semoga saja bertahan.
  • The slogan "The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is verifiability, not truth" is an Orwellian idiocy. The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is actually veracity and verifiability.
Satu lagi : "apa dampaknya kalau tulisan ini dipublish?" Meskipun itu "benar" dan "dapat diverifikasi", kalau tulisan itu bisa berdampak buruk dan bisa menyakiti pihak tertentu. Mungkin harus dipikir-pikir dulu sebelum diposting.
  • Honest people may differ about matters of interpretation. Dishonest people are unable to admit this. Everyone has bias, both conscious and inherent. The doctrine of Neutral Point of View doesn't legislate human nature away, it simply requires that one be fair and proportionate to all sides of a debate and dispassionate in the delivery. Without the doctrine of Neutral Point of View Wikipedia would have disintegrated long ago. It is the glue that holds The Project together and as such it is the single most important creation of Messrs. Sanger and Wales.
  • The whole notion of a "reliable source" is a false one, implying that historical sources in their entirety are either a 1 or a 0. In actuality, no source is perfect, no source is without value, evidence can be gathered and marshaled leading in a multiplicity of directions. The bottom line is that writers need to be intellectually honest and to properly exercise editorial judgment.
  • The history behind no original research rule : "The phrase ["original research"] originated primarily as a practical means to deal with physics cranks, of which of course there are a number on the web. The basic concept is as follows: it can be quite difficult for us to make any valid judgment as to whether a particular thing is true or not. It isn't appropriate for us to try to determine whether someone's novel theory of physics is valid; we aren't really equipped to do that. But what we can do is check whether or not it actually has been published in reputable journals or by reputable publishers. So it's quite convenient to avoid judging the credibility of things by simply sticking to things that have been judged credible by people much better equipped to decide. The exact same principle will hold true for history.."


[sunting | sunting sumber]
Artikel Referensi
Daftar tumbuhan Anemokori Dr. Dian Latifah, S.P., M.App,Sc; Dr. Ir. Sudarmono, M.Sc (April 2018). Flora Anemokori Hijaukan Bumi. LIPI Press. ISBN 978-979-799-955-1. Wikidata Q109466184. 
Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq Hamka (2016). Sejarah Umat Islam. ISBN 978-602-250-288-3. Wikidata Q109507788. 
Ekuitas (keuangan) Jason Fernando, Khadija Khartit (2021) Corporate Finance : Equity Investopedia
Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi Santoso, Agus (2015). Naskah Sumber Arsip Presiden RI  : Soeharto. Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia. hlm. 40. 
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UU Ciptaker Mahkamah Konstitusi (2021) Putusan No 91/PUU-XVIII/2020