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Timbunan Kabul

Koordinat: 34°30′53.28″N 69°11′42″E / 34.5148000°N 69.19500°E / 34.5148000; 69.19500
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Timbunan Kabul
Chaman Hazouri hoard
Sebuah imitasi Iran akhir dari tetradrachm Athena abad ke-5, yang dicetak di bawah kekuasaan Akhemeniyah, jenis tersebut ditemukan di timbunan Kabul (tertanggal 380 SM).[1][2]
Timbunan Kabul di Afganistan
Timbunan Kabul
Lokasi di Afganistan
Koordinat34°30′53.28″N 69°11′42″E / 34.5148000°N 69.19500°E / 34.5148000; 69.19500
JenisTimbunan koin

Timbunan Kabul, juga disebut Chaman Hazouri, Chaman Hazouri atau timbunan Tchamani-i Hazouri,[3][4] adalah sebuah timbunan koin yang ditemukan di sekitaran Kabul, Afganistan pada 1933. Koleksi tersebut berisi sejumlah koin Akhemeniyah serta beberapa koin Yunani dari abad ke-5 dan ke-4 SM.[5] Sekitar ribuan koin terhitung dalam timbunan tersebut.[3][4]


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  1. ^ Cribb, Dating India's Earliest Coins 1985, hlm. 548: "The Iranian imitations were close copies of silver tetradrachms of Athens; the latest Greek coin of the Chaman Hazuri hoard is an example of these Iranian copies of an Athenian coin."
  2. ^ Bopearachchi & Cribb, Coins illustrating the History of the Crossroads of Asia 1992, hlm. 56–57: "The Chaman Hazouri hoard from Kabul discovered in 1933, which contained (...) a local imitation of an Athenian tetradrachm (no.6)" and "No.6: Coins of this type have been found in the Chaman Hazouri hoard from Kabul and a hoard from Babylon, both deposited c.350 BC"
  3. ^ a b Bopearachchi, Coin Production and Circulation 2000, hlm. 300-301.
  4. ^ a b 106. Kabul: Chaman-i Hazouri Diarsipkan 2020-06-10 di Wayback Machine., Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML), Colorado State University and US Department of Defense, retrieved 26 October 2018.
  5. ^ Bopearachchi & Cribb, Coins illustrating the History of the Crossroads of Asia 1992, hlm. 57–59: "The most important and informative of these hoards is the Chaman Hazouri hoard from Kabul discovered in 1933, which contained royal Achaemenid sigloi from the western part of the Achaemenid Empire, together with a large number of Greek coins dating from the fifth and early fourth century BC, including a local imitation of an Athenian tetradrachm, all apparently taken from circulation in the region."

Daftar pustaka

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Pranala luar

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Photographic inventory of the Kabul hoard in the Kabul Museum (now disappeared after looting in 1992-1994), by Daniel Schlumberger in Trésors Monétaires d'Afghanistan (1953):