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The Dinner Party

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The Dinner Party
SenimanJudy Chicago
Tahun1979 (1979)
TipeMedia campuran
LokasiBrooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York
PemilikBrooklyn Museum

The Dinner Party adalah sebuah karya seni rupa instalasi karya seniman feminis Judy Chicago. Banyak dipandang sebagai karya seni feminis epik pertama, karya tersebut berfungsi sebagai sejarah simbolik wanita dalam peradaban.

Daftar pustaka

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  • Chicago, Judy. The Dinner Party: From Creation to Preservation. London: Merrell (2007). ISBN 1-85894-370-1.

Bacaan tambahan

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  • Chicago, Judy. The Dinner Party: A Symbol of our Heritage. New York: Anchor (1979). ISBN 0-385-14567-5
  • Chicago, Judy. Embroidering our Heritage: The Needlework of The Dinner Party. New York: Anchor (1980) ISBN 0-385-14569-1
  • Chicago, Judy. Through The Flower: My Struggle as A Woman Artist. Lincoln: Authors Choice Press (2006). ISBN 0-595-38046-8
  • Jones, Amelia. Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in Feminist Art History. Berkeley: University of California Press (1996). ISBN 0-520-20565-0

Pranala luar

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  • The Dinner Party exhibition website from the Brooklyn Museum, including a searchable database of all the women represented.
  • The Dinner Party from Chicago's non-profit organization, Through the Flower.

Video dan film dokumenter

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