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Istilah swiftboating (juga swift-boating atau swift boating) adalah sebuah neologisme Amerika Serikat pejoratif yang dipakai untuk menyebut serangan politik tak adil atau tak benar. Istilah tersebut berasal dari nama organisasi "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" (SBVT, kemudian Swift Vets and POWs for Truth) karena kampanye mereka yang banyak dipublikasikan—dan kemudian didiskreditkan—melawan calon presiden AS 2004 John Kerry.[1][2][3][4]

Referensi[sunting | sunting sumber]

  1. ^ "University of Pennsylvania National Annenberg Election Survey". PollingReport.com. Diakses tanggal March 30, 2007. conducted August 9–16, 2004 
  2. ^ Cogan, Brian; Kelso, Tony (2009). Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture. ABC-CLIO. hlm. 37, 155, 187, 335. ISBN 978-0-313-34379-7. the group's major claims were eventually uncovered as misleading ... The Swift Boat smear campaign is often identified as being one of the significant factors that contributed to the defeat of Kerry by incumbent George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election 
  3. ^ Casey, Leo (Spring 2009). "No redemption song: The Case of Bill Ayers". Dissent. University of Pennsylvania Press. 56 (2): 107–111. doi:10.1353/dss.0.0041. ISSN 0012-3846. In recent elections, the patriotism and good names of Democratic war hero candidates, from John Kerry to Max Cleland, had been impugned so successfully that a neologism for such smears—to 'swift boat'—was coined out of the assault on Kerry. 
  4. ^ Thomas, Evan (November 14, 2004). "The Vets Attack". Newsweek. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 10, 2008. Diakses tanggal February 6, 2013. 

Templat:John Kerry