Modul:Road data/strings/CAN/AB

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-- Alberta
local AB = {}

AB.Hwy = {shield = {default = "Alberta Highway %route%.svg",
				  ["Stoney"] = "Alberta Highway 201.svg",
				  ["Henday"] = "Alberta Highway 216.svg",
				  ["17"] = {"Alberta Highway 17.svg", "Saskatchewan Highway 17 (jct).svg"},
				  ["100"] = ""},
          link = {default = "[dab||%dab%|Alberta Highway %route%]",
          		  ["17"]  = "Highway 17 (Alberta–Saskatchewan)",
          		  ["100"] = "Sherwood Park Freeway",
				  ["201"] = "Stoney Trail",	
				  ["Stoney"] = "Stoney Trail",
				  ["216"] = "Anthony Henday Drive",
				  ["Henday"] = "Anthony Henday Drive"},
          abbr = {default = "Hwy %route%",
                  ["100"] = "SPF",
                  ["Stoney"] = "Stoney",
                  ["Henday"] = "Henday"}}

AB.AB = AB.Hwy

AB.TCH = {shield = AB.Hwy.shield,
          link = "Alberta Highway %route%",
          abbr = AB.Hwy.abbr.default .. " (TCH)"}

AB.PAR = {shield = "",
	      link = "List of Alberta provincial highways#PAR %route%",
	      abbr = "PAR %route%"}

AB.UAR = {shield = "",
	      link = "List of Alberta provincial highways#UAR %route%",
	      abbr = "UAR %route%"}

--historical route markers

AB["AB 1970"] = {shield = {default = "Alberta Highway %route% (1970s).svg",
				          ["1"] = "Alberta Highway %route%.svg",
				          ["16"] = "Alberta Highway %route%.svg"},
	             link =,
	             abbr = AB.Hwy.abbr}
AB["AB 1960"] = {shield = "Alberta Highway %route% (1960s).svg",
	             link =,
	             abbr = AB.Hwy.abbr}
AB["AB 1930"] = {shield = "Alberta Highway %route% (1930s).svg",
	             link =,
	             abbr = AB.Hwy.abbr}	             

--for linking to US articles

AB.I = {alias = {module = "USA/MT", type = "I"}}
AB.road = {alias = {module = "USA", type = "road"}}

return AB