Masa Darurat (India)

Di India, "Masa Darurat" merujuk kepada periode 21 bulan dari 1975 sampai 1977 saat Perdana Menteri Indira Gandhi mendeklarasikan keadaan darurat di seluruh negeri. Resmi dikeluarkan oleh Presiden Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed di bawah Artikel 352(1) dari Konstitusi karena "gangguan dalam negeri", Masa Darurat tersebut berlaku dari 25 Juni 1975 sampai pengangkatannya pada 21 Maretn 1977. Perintah tersebut dilayangkan dari Perdana Menteri kepada otoritas melalui aturan menurut dekrit, membolehkan pemilihan-pemilihan ditunda dan kebebasan sipil dibelenggu. Selama sebagian besar Masa Darurat, kebanyakan lawan politik Gandhi ditahan dan pers disensor. Beberapa pelanggaran HAM lain dikabarkan pada masa itu, termasuk kampanye sterilisasi massal paksa yang dinaungi oleh Sanjay Gandhi, putra Perdana Menteri tersebut. Masa Darat tersebut adalah periode paling kontroversial dalam sejarah India independen.[1] Dokumen-dokumen yang muncul pada beberapa tahun lampau mengindikasikan bahwa Indira Gandhi berencana untuk memasang masa darurat tersebut hanya secara temporer untuk beberapa masa sampai kekerasan yang memuncak di negara tersebut meredam.[2]
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ "India in 1975: Democracy in Eclipse", ND Palmer – Asian Survey, vol 16 no 5. Opening lines.
- ^ Shankar Jha, Prem (25 June 2017). "Forty Two Years After the Emergency, India's Democracy is Once Again in Danger". The Wire. Diakses tanggal 27 June 2017.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Atul Kohli. Democracy and Discontent: India's Growing Crisis of Governability. Cambridge University Press. 1991. ISBN 0-521-39161-X.
- Atul Kohli (ed.). The Success of India's Democracy. Cambridge University Press. 2001 [2004]. ISBN 81-7596-107-4.
- Ayesha Jalal. Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia: a Comparative and Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press. 1995 [1996]. ISBN 81-85618-75-5
- B. G. Verghese. Warrior of the Fourth Estate: Ramnath Goenka of the Express. Viking, Penguin India. 2005. ISBN 978-0-67005-842-6.
- Bipan Chandra et al. India Since Independence. Penguin India. 2008 [2011 digital edition]. e-ISBN 978-81-8475-053-9.
- Durga Das Basu. Introduction to the Constitution of India. LexisNexis Butterworths. 1960 [20th edition, 2011 reprint]. ISBN 978-81-8038-559-9.
- Inder Malhotra. Indira Gandhi: A Personal and Political Biography. Hodder and Stoughton. 1989. ISBN 0-340-40540-6.
- Mary C. Carras. Indira Gandhi: In the Crucible of Leadership. Jaico Publishing House. 1979 [1980].
- Partha Chatterjee. Lineages of Political Society. Permanent Black. 2011. ISBN 81-7824-317-2.
- Partha Chatterjee. Empire and Nation: Essential Writings, 1985–2005. Permanent Black. 2010. ISBN 81-7824-267-2.
- Ramachandra Guha. India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy. HarperCollins. 2008. ISBN 978-0-330-50554-3.
- S. S. Gill. The Dynasty: A Political Biography of the Premier Ruling Family of Modern India. HarperCollins. 1996. ISBN 81-7223-245-4.
- Subhash C. Kashyap. Indian Constitution: Conflicts and Controversies. Vitasta Publishing. 2010. ISBN 978-81-89766-41-2.
- T. V. Sathyamurthy. State and Nation in the Context of Social Change. Oxford University Press. 1994. ISBN 0-19-563136-6.
Bacaan tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Aaron S. Klieman. "Indira's India: Democracy and Crisis Government", Political Science Quarterly (1981) 96#2 pp. 241–259 in JSTOR
- Kuldip Nayar. The Judgement: Inside Story of the Emergency in India. 1977. Vikas Publishing House. ISBN 0-7069-0557-1.
- P. N. Dhar. Indira Gandhi, the "Emergency", and Indian Democracy (2000), 424pp
- Ramashray Roy and D. L. Sheth. "The 1977 Lok Sabha Election Outcome: The Salience of Changing Voter Alignments Since 1969," Political Science Review (1978), Vol. 17 Issue 3/4, pp. 51–63
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Telegram 8557 from the United States Embassy in India to the Department of State, 27 June 1975
- A. Z. Huq Democratic Norms, Human Rights and States of Emergency: Lessons from the Experience of Four Countries
- "Memories of a Father," a book by Eachara Varier, father of a student killed in police custody during the emergency Diarsipkan 2005-05-27 di Wayback Machine.