Kompleks Kuil Dendera
26°8′30″N 32°40′13″E / 26.14167°N 32.67028°E

Kompleks Kuil Dendera (bahasa Mesir Kuno: Iunet atau Tantere; pengucapan Inggris abad ke-19 di banyak sumber, termasuk Belzoni, adalah Tentyra) berjarak sekitar 25 kilometer (16 mi) dari tenggara Dendera, mesir. Ini adalah salah satu kompleks kuil yang tersaji baik di Mesir.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Bacaan tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Jed Z. Buchwald, "Egyptian Stars under Paris Skies Diarsipkan 2011-01-07 di Wayback Machine.". pr.caltech.edu.
- R. A. Parker, "Ancient Egyptian Astronomy". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 276, No. 1257, The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World (May 2, 1974), pp. 51–65
- Marshall Clagett, "Ancient Egyptian Science: A Source Book". Diane, 1989. ISBN 0-87169-214-7
- William Henry and Davenport Adams "Egypt Past and Present: Described and Illustrated". T. Nelson and Sons, 1885. 380 pages. Page 218 - 226
- The Dendera Reliefs, Catchpenny Mysteries.
- Frank Dörnenburg, Electric lights in Egypt?. 2004. (ed. An analysis of how the Egyptians didn't have electricity).
- Mariette, Auguste, Dendérah, Bookshop A. Franck, Paris, 1875.
- Fischer, H.G., Dendera in the third millennium B.C. down to the theban domination of upper Egypt, J.J. Augustin publisher, New York, 1968.
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Dendera Temple complex.
- Dendera Temple complex. satellite-sightseer.com.
- Dendera (French)
- High-resolution Images of Dendera Temple Ceiling