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Cari kontribusitampilsembunyi

24 Juli 2024

  • 10.2024 Juli 2024 10.20 beda riw +944 B Pembicaraan Pengguna: (bicara) ‎ ←Membuat halaman berisi '==For the record== @CWenger First of all, the "global ban" happened because of something I didn't actually do; a user reported receiving harassing emails, and somehow it was concluded that I sent them. I didn't. I've only emailed one Wikipedian, once, and it wasn't him. As for "weird personal POVs", everything I've done is well-founded, except maybe regarding eyesight. Unfortunately, valid sources don't quite make the necessary connections, at least in regards to...' saat ini Tag: menambahkan teks berbahasa Inggris kemungkinan spam membuat halaman pembicaraan sendiri

10 Juli 2024