Garis Hijau (Israel)

Garis Hijau, atau perbatasan (pra-)1967 atau perbatasan gencatan senjata 1949,[1] adalah garis demarkasi yang disepakati dalam Perjanjian Gencatan Senjata 2023 antara angkatan darat Israel dan angkatan-angkatan darat dari negara-negara tetangganya (Mesir, Yordania, Lebanon dan Suriah) usai Perang Arab- Palestina 2023. Garis tersebut dijadikan sebagai perbatasan de facto Negara Israel dari 1949 sampai Perang Enam Hari pada 1967.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ Custodians and Redeemers: Israeli Leaders' Perceptions of Peace, 1967–79 Diarsipkan 2017-02-13 di Wayback Machine.. Amnon Sella, 1986
Bacaan tambahan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Gad Barzilai and Ilan Peleg, "Israel and Future Borders: Assessment of a Dynamic Process" Diarsipkan 2023-04-12 di Wayback Machine., Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 31, No. 1 (February 1994), pp. 59–73
- Bornstein, Avram S. Crossing the Green Line Between the West Bank and Israel Diarsipkan 2021-12-04 di Wayback Machine., University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001; Unfavourable review Diarsipkan 2008-10-12 di Wayback Machine. by Steven Plaut, Middle East Forum, Vol. 10, No. 3, (Spring 2003); Favourable review by Matthew S. Gordon, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Fall 2003)
- S. Brian Willson, "History of Palestine and Green Line Israel" Diarsipkan 2009-02-27 di Wayback Machine., Most Dangerous of Rogue Nation, 1992, Revised May 2002
- David Newman, "Boundaries in Flux: The 'Green Line' Boundary between Israel and the West Bank – Past, Present and Future", Boundary & Territory Briefings, Vol. 1 no. 7, 1995.
- David Newman, "The functional presence of an 'erased' boundary: The re-emergence of the 'green line'" Diarsipkan 2008-03-06 di Wayback Machine.; from Schofield C.H. and Schofield R.N. (eds.). World Boundaries: the Middle East and North Africa Diarsipkan 2021-11-29 di Wayback Machine., Routledge, London, 1995 (ISBN 0415088399)
- Nadim Rouhana, "The Intifada and the Palestinians of Israel: Resurrecting the Green Line" Diarsipkan 2021-11-29 di Wayback Machine., Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Spring 1990), pp. 58–75
- Amb. Alan Baker, The Fallacy of the "1967 Borders" – No Such Borders Ever Existed
- Amb. Dore Gold, 'Land Swaps' and the 1967 Lines Diarsipkan 2015-09-30 di Wayback Machine.
- Ana Barahona Bearing Witness – Eight weeks in Palestine Diarsipkan 2020-07-05 di Wayback Machine. Metete Publications
- Ben-Dror, Elad (2015). Ralph Bunche and the Arab–Israeli Conflict: Mediation and the UN 1947–1949,. Routledge. ISBN 978-1138789883.