name | name | The name that will appear above the top line of the infobox. If it is the name of a specific locomotive, then it should be in italics. - Contoh
- LNER Class A3 4472 ''Flying Scotsman''
| Baris | wajib diisi |
Background color | bgcolor | Background colour for title row (as hex colour triplet without the leading # - Contoh
- eeb47f
| Baris | opsional |
Text color | color | Colour of text in title row, as a hex triplet withou the leading # - Contoh
| Baris | opsional |
image | image | The filename for the infobox image.
| Berkas | disarankan |
Image size | imagesize | The size of the image in pixels (default is 300)
| Angka | opsional |
alt | alt | alternative text for the image, displayed when the image cannot be shown (such as for visually impaired users, or for spoken articles)
| Baris | opsional |
caption | caption | The caption for the image
| Baris | opsional |
hatnote | hatnote | A label-less centered text field for notices that appears near the top of the infobox
| Kata | opsional |
Power type | powertype | The type of power that the locomotive employs - Contoh
- Steam, Diesel-electric, Diesel-hydraulic, Electric, Electro-diesel
| Baris | wajib diisi |
Designer | designer | The name of the locomotive's designer
| Baris | opsional |
Manufacturer | builder | The locomotive builder or manufacturer
| Baris | disarankan |
Order number | ordernumber | The locomotive's order number(s)
| Baris | opsional |
Serial number | serialnumber | The locomotive's serial number(s). (not the fleet number - see below)
| Baris | disarankan |
Build model | buildmodel | The builder's model number
| Baris | opsional |
Build date | builddate | The date(s) that the locomotive (or locomotive model) was built. Use {{Start date}} (and {{End date}} where applicable).
| Baris | opsional |
Total production | totalproduction | The total number of locomotives of the given class or type that were built
| Baris | disarankan |
Rebuilder | rebuilder | The locomotive rebuilder
| Baris | opsional |
Rebuild date | rebuilddate | The date(s) that the locomotive (or locomotive model) was rebuilt
| Baris | opsional |
Number rebuilt | numberrebuilt | The total number of locomotives of the given class that were rebuilt
| Angka | opsional |
website | website | tidak ada keterangan
| Tak dikenal | opsional |
Whyte type | whytetype | The wheel arrangement in Whyte notation - Contoh
- [[4-6-2]]
| Baris | opsional |
AAR wheel arangment | aarwheels | The AAR wheel arrangement - Contoh
- C-C
| Baris | opsional |
UIC classification | uicclass | The UIC classification of locomotive axle arrangements - Contoh
- 2′C1′ , Co′Co′
| Baris | disarankan |
British wheel classification | Britishclass | The British and Commonwealth classification of locomotive axle arrangements for electric and diesel-electric locomotives - Contoh
- Co-Co
| Baris | opsional |
DRG type (''Gattung'') | DRGtype | German locomotive ''Gattung'' (type) classification - Contoh
- S 36.20, P 35.17
| Baris | opsional |
Driver | driver | The coupled axle being driven by the piston (steam) or engine (diesel) - Contoh
- 3rd coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Gauge | gauge | The track gauges on which the locomotive operated; use the {{track gauge}} template - Contoh
- {{track gauge|1435 mm}}
| Baris | wajib diisi |
Bogies | bogies truck | Jenis bogie - Contoh
- BR Mk 1
| Baris | opsional |
Leading diameter | leadingdiameter | The diameter of the locomotive's leading wheels - Contoh
- {{convert|36|in|mm|0|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Coupled diameter | coupleddiameter driverdiameter | The diameter of the locomotive's coupled wheels - Contoh
- {{convert|6|ft|2|in|m|3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Wheel diameter | wheeldiameter | The diameter of the locomotive's wheels, for diesels and electrics - Contoh
- {{convert|40|in|m|3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Trailing diameter | trailingdiameter | The diameter of the locomotive's trailing wheels - Contoh
- {{convert|42|in|m|3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Tender diameter | tenderdiameter | The diameter of the tender's wheels - Contoh
- {{convert|38|in|m|3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Carrying wheel diameter | carrydiameter | Diameter of non-driving wheels that help carry the weght of the locomotive – only use if "leadingdiameter" and/or "trailing diameter" are inappropriate. - Contoh
- {{convert|42|in|mm|3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Minimum curve | minimumcurve | The minimum radius curve that the locomotive will negotiate. North American practice would use degrees of curvature
| Baris | opsional |
Wheelbase | wheelbase | The locomotive's total wheelbase
| Baris | opsional |
Wheel spacing | wheelspacing | To describe trucks/bogies or coupled wheels with asymmetrical wheel spacing
| Baris | opsional |
Engine total wheelbase | engine total | The engine's wheelbase, tender excluded
| Baris | opsional |
Leading truck/bogie wheelbase | leading | The wheelbase of the leading truck/bogie
| Baris | opsional |
Coupled wheelbase | coupled drivers | The wheelbase of the coupled wheels
| Baris | opsional |
Trailing truck/bogie wheelbase | trailing | The wheelbase of the trailing truck/bogie
| Baris | opsional |
Bogie wheelbase | bogie truck | The wheelbase of each bogie on diesels and electrics
| Baris | opsional |
Tender wheelbase | tender total | The wheelbase of the tender
| Baris | opsional |
Tender bogie wheelbase | tenderbogie tendertruck | The wheelbase of each tender bogie
| Baris | opsional |
Overall wheelbase | overallwheelbase | distance between outermost wheelsets - Contoh
- {{convert|16200|mm|in|frac=4|abbbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Wheelbase with tender | wheelbasewithtender | Wheelbase of a steam locomotive with its tender - Contoh
- {{convert|15100|mm|ftin|frac=4|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Rack system | racksystem | Type of rack system used - Contoh
- Abt, Riggenbach
| Baris | opsional |
Pivot centres | pivotcentres | Garratts, diesels and electrics: distance between engine unit or bogie pivot centres
| Baris | opsional |
Pivot pitch | pivotpitch | DEPRECATED – use pivotcentres instead
| Baris | usang |
Pantograph shoe centres | pantoshoecentres | Electrics: distance between pantograph shoe centres
| Baris | opsional |
Length | length | The locomotive's total length, tender included
| Baris | opsional |
Length over couplers | over couplers | The length between the coupler faces
| Baris | opsional |
Length over headstocks | over headstocks | length over the headstocks - Contoh
- {{convert|20795|mm|ftin|frac=4|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Length over bufferbeams | over bufferbeams | DEPRECATED – use ''over headstocks'' instead
| Baris | usang |
Length over body | body | The length of the locomotive body (diesels and electrics)
| Baris | opsional |
Length over buffers | over buffers | The length measured over the buffer faces - Contoh
- {{convert|22095|mm|ftin|frac=4|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Width | width | The locomotive's total width
| Baris | opsional |
Height (panographs down) | pantodown | An electric locomotive's height, including pantographs in the stowed position
| Baris | opsional |
Height (body only) | bodyonly | An electric locomotive's body height, discounting the pantographs
| Baris | opsional |
Height | height | The locomotive's total height
| Baris | opsional |
Frame type | frametype | The type of locomotive frame - Contoh
- "Plate frame", "Bar frame" or "Cast frame"
| Baris | opsional |
Axle load | axleload | maximum axle load (average, or the load on the axle(s) which carry the greatest load)
| Baris | opsional |
Leading bogie/pony truck axleload | leadingbogie/pony | The load on the leading bogie or pony axle
| Baris | opsional |
Coupled axleload (all) | coupled all | Use when the load on all coupled wheels are the same
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 1st coupled axle | coupled 1 | The load on the 1st coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 2nd coupled axle | coupled 2 | The load on the 2nd coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 3rd coupled axle | coupled 3 | The load on the 3rd coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 4th coupled axle | coupled 4 | The load on the 4th coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 5th coupled axle | coupled 5 | The load on the 5th coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 6th coupled axle | coupled 6 | The load on the 6th coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 7th coupled axle | coupled 7 | The load on the 7th coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Axleload on 8th coupled axle | coupled 8 | The load on the 8th coupled axle
| Baris | opsional |
Trailing bogie/pony axleload | trail bogie/pony | The load on the trailing bogie or pony axle
| Baris | opsional |
Tender bogie axleload | tenderbogieload | The axle load per tender bogie
| Baris | opsional |
Tender axleload | tenderaxle | The axle load per individual tender axle
| Baris | opsional |
Weight on drivers | weightondrivers | The weight on the driven wheels only
| Baris | opsional |
Empty weight | emptyweight | weight of the loco without fuel, water, sand or lubricants - Contoh
- {{convert|82.50|t}}
| Baris | opsional |
Working weight | workingweight | DEPRECATED
| Baris | usang |
Service weight | serviceweight | weight in working order, with supplies - Contoh
- {{convert|89.20|t}}
| Baris | opsional |
Locomotive weight | locoweight | The weight of the locomotive in working order (excluding tender)
| Baris | opsional |
Tender weight | tenderweight | The weight of the locomotive's tender in working order
| Baris | opsional |
Locomotive and tender weight | locotenderweight | The combined weight of the locomotive and tender in working order
| Baris | opsional |
Tender type | tendertype | The type of tender; typically the number of axles, the designer, or (where issued), the class of tender
| Baris | opsional |
Fuel type | fueltype | The type of fuel that the locomotive consumes - Contoh
- "Wood", "Coke", "Coal", "Oil"
| Baris | opsional |
Fuel capacity | fuelcap | The locomotive's full fuel capacity
| Baris | opsional |
Lubricant capacity | lubecap | Lubrication oil capacity
| Baris | opsional |
Coolant capacity | coolantcap | Engine coolant capacity
| Baris | opsional |
Water capacity | watercap | The tender's full water capacity
| Baris | opsional |
Tender capacity | tendercap | The tender's full fuel and water capacity
| Baris | opsional |
Sand capacity | sandcap | The locomotive's full sandbox capacity
| Baris | opsional |
Fuel consumption | consumption | The locomotive's average fuel consumption rate
| Baris | opsional |
Water consumption | watercons | The locomotive's average water consumption rate
| Baris | opsional |
powersupply | powersupply | tidak ada keterangan
| Tak dikenal | opsional |
Electric system | electricsystem | The electric system(s) under which the locomotive operates - Contoh
- 1500 V DC, 3 kV DC, {{15 kV AC}}, {{25 kV 50 Hz}}
| Baris | opsional |
Current collection method | collectionmethod | The locomotive's electrical current collection method - Contoh
- Pantographs from catenary, Contact shoe from third rail
| Baris | opsional |
Prime mover | primemover | Model of prime move (engine) in the locomotive - Contoh
- [[Alco 251]], [[EMD 645]]
| Baris | opsional |
RPM range | rpmrange | RPM range of the prime mover - Contoh
- 250–1000 rpm
| Baris | opsional |
Low idle RPM | rpmrange low | The RPM of the prime mover at low idle
| Baris | opsional |
Idle RPM | rpmrange idle | The RPM of the prime mover at normal idle
| Baris | opsional |
Nominal RPM | rpmnominal | DEPRECATED – use "rpmrange", "rpmrange low", "rpmrange idle", or "rpmrange max"
| Baris | usang |
Maximum RPM | rpmrange max | The RPM of the prime mover at full speed
| Baris | opsional |
Engine type | enginetype | Type prime mover in the locomotive - Contoh
- Four-stroke diesel engine
| Baris | opsional |
Aspiration | aspiration | Type/model of aspiration - Contoh
- Normally aspirated, Roots-type supercharger, Turbocharger
| Baris | opsional |
Displacement | displacement | Displacement of prime mover
| Baris | opsional |
Alternator | alternator | Type/model of alternator, if fitted
| Baris | opsional |
Generator | generator | Type/model of DC generator, if fitted
| Baris | opsional |
Traction motors | tractionmotors | Type/model of traction motors
| Baris | opsional |
Traction motor amps (1 hour) | t/m amps 1 hr | The one hour traction motor rating
| Baris | opsional |
Traction motors amps (continuous) | t/m amps cont | The continuous traction motor rating
| Baris | opsional |
Head End Power | headendpower | type/rating of HEP or Electric Train Supply (ETS)
| Baris | opsional |
Firebox type | fireboxtype | Type of firebox - Contoh
- Radial stay, Belpaire, Wooton, etc
| Baris | opsional |
Fire grate area | firearea | The area of the locomotive's fire grate - Contoh
- {{convert|90|sqft|m2|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Boiler | boiler | Model of boiler - Contoh
- LNER diagram 100A
| Baris | opsional |
Boiler type | boilertype | The boiler type - Contoh
- Domeless, etc
| Baris | opsional |
Boiler pitch | pitch | The height of the boiler centreline above the railhead
| Baris | opsional |
Boiler diameter | diameterinside | inside diameter of the boiler
| Baris | opsional |
Boiler length | lengthinside | inside length of the boiler (distance between the tube plates)
| Baris | opsional |
Small tube diameter | smalltubediameter | diameter (and quantity) of the small boiler tubes - Contoh
- {{convert|54|mm|in|frac=16|abbr=on}}, 130 off
| Baris | opsional |
Large tube diameter | largetubediameter | diameter ( and quantity) of the flues (a.k.a. large boiler tubes) - Contoh
- {{convert|138|mm|in|frac=16|abbr=on}}, 35 off
| Baris | opsional |
Heating tubes | heatingtubes | DEPRECATED – use "smalltubediameter"
| Baris | usang |
Smoke tubes | smoketubes | DEPRECATED - use "largetubediameter"
| Baris | usang |
Heating tube length | heatingtubelength | DEPRECATED – use "lengthinside"
| Baris | usang |
Boiler pressure | boilerpressure | Normal working pressure of the boiler
| Baris | opsional |
Safety vavle type | safetyvalvetype | Type of safety valves fitted - Contoh
- Salter, Ramsbotton, Ross Pop
| Kata | opsional |
Feedwater heater | feedwaterheater | Type of feedwater heater, if fitted - Contoh
- ACFI, Elesco, Worthington BL
| Kata | opsional |
Firebox heating area | fireboxarea | heating area of the sides and roof of the firebox (not the area of the grate!)
| Baris | opsional |
Radiative area | radiativearea | DEPRECATED – use "fireboxarea"
| Baris | usang |
Tube area | tubearea | heating area of the small tubes
| Baris | opsional |
Arch area | archarea | heating area of the arch tubes or thermic syphons
| Baris | opsional |
Flue area | fluearea | heating area of the flues (the large tubes the superheater elements fit into)
| Baris | opsional |
Tubes and flues area | tubesandflues | heating area of the tubes and flues (if not broken out in sources)
| Baris | opsional |
Total surface area | totalsurface | total heating area of the boiler
| Baris | opsional |
Evaporative area | evaporativearea | DEPRECATED – use "totalsurface"
| Baris | usang |
Superheater type | superheatertype | type of superheater (if fitted) - Contoh
- Schmidt, Robinson, Elesco, Type A, Type E
| Baris | opsional |
Superheater area | superheaterarea | heating area of the superheater (if fitted)
| Baris | opsional |
Number of cylinders | cylindercount | Number of cylinders - Contoh
- 2, 3, 4, 6
| Angka | opsional |
Cylinder size | cylindersize | Bore × Stroke of the locomotive's cylinders - Contoh
- {{convert|20|x|26|in|mm|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
frontcylindersize | frontcylindersize | tidak ada keterangan
| Tak dikenal | opsional |
rearcylindersize | rearcylindersize | tidak ada keterangan
| Tak dikenal | opsional |
High-pressure cylinder size | hpcylindersize | Bore × stroke of the high pressure cylinders of a compoud locomotive
| Baris | opsional |
Low-pressure cylinder size | lpcylindersize | Bore × stroke of the low pressure cylinders of a compoud locomotive
| Baris | opsional |
Piston stoke | pistonstroke | Stoke of the cylinders' pistons (where not already included in "cylindersize")
| Baris | opsional |
Cog wheel bore | cogwheelbore | diameter of the bore of the cylinders driving the rack cog
| Baris | opsional |
Cog wheel stroke | cogwheelstroke | length of the stroke of the cylinders driving the rack cog
| Baris | opsional |
Cylinder pressure | cylinderpressure | pressure rating of the low-pressure cylinders' receiver
| Baris | opsional |
Valve gear | valvegear | the type of valve gear used on steam locomotives - Contoh
- [[Stephenson valve gear|Stephenson]], [[Walschaerts valve gear|Walschaerts]]
| Baris | opsional |
Valve type | valvetype | The type of valves used on steam locomotives - Contoh
- Slide, piston, poppet
| Baris | opsional |
Valve travel | valvetravel | the length of the valve travel
| Baris | opsional |
Valve lap | valvelap | the length of the valve lap on a steam locomotive
| Baris | opsional |
valve lead | valvelead | the length of the valve lead on steam locomotives
| Baris | opsional |
Transmission | transmission | The type of transmission used on a locomotive - Contoh
- Diesel-electric, hydraulic, mechanical
| Baris | opsional |
Running steps | runningsteps | number of throttle notches in a diesel of electric locomotive - Contoh
- "4", "8", "21"
| Angka | opsional |
Running step switch | runningstepswitch | technology used to move between throtle noches - Contoh
- "mechanical", "thystor", "Insulated-gate bipolar transistor"
| Baris | opsional |
Gear ratio | gear ratio | the gear ratio of the tracktion motors - Contoh
- 62:19
| Baris | opsional |
Multiple working | multipleworking | the type of multiple working, if fitted - Contoh
- Blue Star, Red Diamond, AAR
| Baris | opsional |
Train control | traincontrol | DEPREACTED – use "multipleworking"
| Baris | usang |
Train heating | trainheating | The train heating system used - Contoh
- [[Steam generator (railroad)|Steam generator]], [[Head-end power]], none.
| Baris | opsional |
Loco brakes | locobrakes | The type of brakes installed in the locomotive - Contoh
- Vacuum brake, Air brake
| Baris | opsional |
Train brakes | trainbrakes | The type of brakes the locomotive can operate on a train - Contoh
- Vacuum brakes, Air brakes
| Baris | opsional |
Auxiliary brakes | auxbrake | DEPRECATED – use "locobrakes" or "trainbrakes"
| Baris | usang |
Parking brake | parkingbrake | DEPRECATED – use "locobrakes" or "trainbrakes"
| Baris | usang |
Train protection | trainprotection | DEPREACTED – use "safety"
| Baris | usang |
Air reservoir capacity | reservoircap | The main air reservoir capacity
| Baris | opsional |
Air compressor capacity | compressorcap | The air compressor capacity at high idle
| Baris | opsional |
Vacuum exhauster capacity | exhaustercap | The vacuum exhauster capacity at high idle
| Baris | opsional |
Safety systems | safety | The safety systems installed - Contoh
- auto train stop, cab signalling
| Baris | opsional |
Couplings | coupling | The type of coupling system - Contoh
- Buffers and chain coupler, Janney coupler, Scharfenberg coupler, SA-3 coupler
| Baris | opsional |
Maximum speed | maxspeed | The locomotive's maximum permitted speed - Contoh
- {{convert|100|km/h|mph|0|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Power output | poweroutput | The locomotive's total power output - Contoh
- {{convert|3000|PS|kW hp|sigfig=3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Indicated power | indicatedpower | Theoretical power out of a steam locomotive based on its dimensions - Contoh
- {{convert|1970|PS|kW hp|sigfig=3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Installed power | installedpower | DEPRECATED – use "poweroutput", "poweroutput start", poweroutput 1 hr" or "poweroutput cont"
| Baris | usang |
Power ouptut (starting) | poweroutput start | The locomotive's starting motor rating - Contoh
- {{convert|3000|PS|kW hp|sigfig=3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Power output (one hour) | poweroutput 1 hr | The locomotive's one hour motor rating - Contoh
- {{convert|3000|PS|kW hp|sigfig=3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Power output (continuous) | poweroutput cont | The locomotive's continuous motor rating - Contoh
- {{convert|3000|PS|kW hp|sigfig=3|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Power index | powerindex | Power to weight ratio - Contoh
- 28.0 kW/t
| Baris | opsional |
Tractive effort | tractiveeffort | The locomotive's total tractive effort - Contoh
- {{convert|40300|lbf|kN|2|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Tractive effort (starting) | t/e starting | The locomotive's starting tractive effort - Contoh
- {{convert|40300|lbf|kN|2|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Tractive effort (one hour) | t/e 1 hr | The locomotive's one hour tractive effort - Contoh
- {{convert|40300|lbf|kN|2|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Tractive effort (continuous) | t/e continuous | The locomotive's continuous tractive effort - Contoh
- {{convert|40300|lbf|kN|2|abbr=on}}
| Baris | opsional |
Acceleration rate | acceleration | The locomotive's rate of acceleration (with a stated load)
| Baris | opsional |
deceleration | deceleration | Deceleration rate - Contoh
- The locomotive's rate of deceleration (with a stated load)
| Baris | opsional |
Factor of adhesion | factorofadhesion | Factor of adhesion (weight on drivers divided by tractive effort) - Contoh
- 4.00
| Baris | opsional |
Factor of adhesion (starting) | f/adh starting | The locomotive's starting factor of adhesion - Contoh
- 4.23
| Baris | opsional |
factor of adhesion (one hour) | f/adh 1 hr | The locomotive's one hour factor of adhesion - Contoh
- 4.05
| Baris | opsional |
Factor of adhesion (continuous) | f/adh continuous | The locomotive's continuous factor of adhesion - Contoh
- 3.96
| Baris | opsional |
Loco brake force | locobrakeforce | The braking force supplied by "locobrakes"
| Baris | opsional |
Dynamic brake peak effort | dynamicpeakeffort | The locomotive's dynamic brake peak effort
| Baris | opsional |
Operator | operator | The operator(s) (railroad/railway/industry/company) who used the locomotive (for articles about individual locomotives and not generic locomotive models) - Contoh
- [[Northern Pacific Railway]], [[Midland Railway]]
| Baris | disarankan |
Operator class | operatorclass | The class designation assigned by the locomotive's operator - Contoh
- NP W-1, GWR 4073, BBÖ 81
| Baris | opsional |
Power class | powerclass | The power class or group of the locomotive - Contoh
- Midland Railway 4F, GWR C, Est series 8
| Baris | opsional |
Number in class | numinclass | The number of locomotives in the same railroad/railway/industry/company class - Contoh
- 22, 5th of 72
| Baris | opsional |
Fleet numbers | fleetnumbers | The operating number(s) assigned by the operator - Contoh
- LNER 4472, BBÖ 214.01 – 214.13
| Baris | opsional |
Official name | officialname | The official name(s) assigned by the operator, and who or what the locomotive is named after
| Baris | opsional |
Nicknames | nicknames | Nicknames given to the locomotive
| Baris | opsional |
Axle load class | axleloadclass | The axle load class or group (e.g. Great Western Railway colour code, LNER/British Railways Route Availability "RA") - Contoh
| Baris | opsional |
Locale | locale | The locale where the locomotive was operated - Contoh
- Mariazell Railway
| Baris | opsional |
Delivery date | deliverydate | The date that the locomotive was delivered
| Baris | opsional |
First run date | firstrundate | The date of the locomotive's first run
| Baris | opsional |
Last run date | lastrundate | The date of the locomotive's last regular operation
| Baris | opsional |
Withdrawn date | withdrawndate retiredate | The date the locomotive was retired from regular service - Contoh
- 1960–1962
| Baris | opsional |
Preserved units | preservedunits | Quantiry and fleet numbers of and preserved units (with links to articles) - Contoh
- "Three: ÖBB 78.606, 78.618, 78.625"
| Baris | opsional |
Restore date | restoredate | The date the locomotive was restored to operating condition
| Baris | opsional |
Scrap date | scrapdate | The date the locomotive was scrapped
| Baris | opsional |
Current owner | currentowner | The locomotive's current owner - Contoh
- National Railway Museum, ÖGEG
| Baris | opsional |
Disposition | disposition | The locomotive's current disposition - Contoh
- "All scrapped", "Four preserved, remainder scrapped"
| Baris | opsional |
Notes | notes | text box for infobox footnotes if needed
| Baris | opsional |