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Dalam mitologi Islam, huur, houri (/ˈhʊəriz, ˈhaʊəriz/)[1] atau ḥūr (bentuk jamak dari ḥaurāʾ, "perempuan bermata kijang")[1] atau ḥūrīyah[note 1] (bahasa Arab: حورية) secara umum diterjemahkan sebagai "(sangat cantik)[2] teman dengan usia sebaya (jodoh yang cocok)",[3] "bermata indah",[4] dan "tatapan malu-malu",[5] "makhluk murni" atau "sahabat murni" di jannah, yang diberikan kepada manusia atau jin yang memasuki Jannah (firdaus) setelah diciptakan kembali menjadi baru di alam kemudian.[6]
Dalam perspektif Indonesia, huur sering kali disamakan dengan bidadari, walaupun istilah bidadari itu berasal dari konsep mitologi Hindu.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Umat Islam meyakini adanya "huurin `iin" (وَحُورٌ عِينٌ) dalam al-Quran, diterjemahkan sebagai wanita surga yang bermata jeli,[7] mereka digambarkan selalu perawan, dengan umur sebaya yang diciptakan langsung tanpa proses kelahiran,[8] dan digambarkan payudara mereka padat dan fisik mereka seperti gadis remaja.[9]
Memiliki kulit putih, bening, bersih dan lembut yang sempurna, diibaratkan seperti telur yang tersimpan dengan baik, dan ibaratkan pula para huur itu seperti permata yakut dan mutiara. Dijelaskan pula bahwa para huur itu sangat sopan, selalu menundukkan pandangannya, mereka tidak pernah disentuh oleh bangsa manusia atau jin.[10]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Catatan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ حورية juga diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Arab sebagai ḥūriyyah atau ḥūriyya; pengucapan Arab: /ħuː.ˈrij.ja/.
- ^Azawajnahoom: pair them, marry them. Note zawj (lit., "a pair" or, according to the context, "one of a pair") applies to either of the two sexes, a man to a woman and a woman to a man, as does the transitive verb zawaja, "he paired" or "joined", i.e., one person with another[11]
- ^Bqasirat at-tarf: Lit., "such as restrain their gaze", i.e., are of modest bearing and have eyes only for their mates (Tafsir Razi). This phrase applies to both genders.[5]
- ^Cmin anfusikum azwajan, Lit. "from among yourselves mates (spouses, one of the pair)"
- ^DLit., waalmuminoona (male believers) waalmuminatu (female believers)
- ^ELit., min (from) thakarin (male) aw (or) ontha (female)[12]
- ^FIn a version of this hadith:[13] waa li kul-li wa ahidin minhoom zawjataani = and to every single (everyone) among them zawjataani. The expression kulli wa hadin-each one (everyone) includes both males and females. Note: the feminine ending -at(un) (feminine ta-marbuta, -ah in modern Arabic language) is also added to distinguish a person in an exemplary manner as in allamun = scholar, allamatun (-ah) = distinguished scholar [not "female scholar"], or as in rawin = narrator, rawiyatun(-ah) = narrator(of poems) [not "female narrator"]. These forms ending in -at(un) (modern -ah), as they designate the individual, are treated as masculines.[14] [zawjatan: dual connotation (Classical Arabic Idiom, which can be used to refer to two different things calling them by the same name: two paired persons or things can be expressed by the dual of one of them (e.g. abawaani [dual of aba (father)] = parents (father and mother, not "two fathers"; qamarani [dual of qamar (moon)] = sun and moon (not "two moons");[15] usage in "Qur'an in Surah Al-Furqan(25):53" bahrayn [dual of bahr (sea)] = sea "salty and bitter" and river "sweet and thirst-allaying" (not "two seas"); sometimes the word with the female gender is chosen to make the dual form, such as in the expression "the two Marwas", referring to the two hills of As-Safa and Al-Marwa (not "two hills, each called Al-Marwa") in Mecca;[16]) ( (i.e. Husband - zawj and wife -zawjah can be referred as zawjatan in the dual form)][17]
- ^GOr husband -zawj and wife -zawjah can be referred as zawjatan in the dual form[14][15] Houris: inferred from Sahih Muslim, hadith 6795 through another chain of narration
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^ a b "houris". Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
- ^ Asad, Muhammad (2003). "Sura 78 (An-Naba), ayah 33". The Message of The Qur'an. Note 16.
- ^ Asad, Muhammad (2003). "Al-Waqiah". The Message of The Qur'an. Note 15.
- ^ Qur'an 56:22-23
- ^ a b Asad, Muhammad (2003). "Sad". The Message of The Qur'an.
- ^ Kathir, Ismail ibn. "Sura 55 (Ar-Rahman), ayah 56". Tafsir ibn Kathir. Narrating Artat bin Al-Mundhir.
- ^ "...dan (di dalam surga itu) ada huurin yang bermata jeli." (Al-Waqi’ah 56:22)
- ^ Sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan mereka (wanita surga) dengan langsung, dan Kami jadikan mereka gadis-gadis perawan, penuh cinta lagi sebaya umurnya.” (Al-Waqi’ah 56:35-37)
- ^ "(Bagi penghuni surga para bidadari) remaja yang sebaya." (An-Naba' 78:33)
- ^ “Di dalam surga-surga itu ada huurin yang sopan, menundukkan pandangannya, tidak pernah disentuh oleh manusia sebelum mereka (penghuni-penghuni surga yang menjadi suami mereka) dan tidak pula oleh jin.” (Ar-Rahman 55:56)
- ^ Asad, Muhammad (2003). "Sura 44 Ad-Dukhan, ayah 54". The Message of The Qur'an.
- ^ Qur'an An-Nahl:97
- ^ Shahih Bukhari, 4:54:468
- ^ a b Fischer, Wolfdietrich (2002). "Nr. 73(a)". A Grammar of Classical Arabic.
- ^ a b Fischer, Wolfdietrich (2002). "Nr. 108(a)". A Grammar of Classical Arabic.
- ^ Abbas Hassan, An-nahw al-wafi, I, 118–19
- ^ Dr. Muhammad Salim al-Awwa, Secretary General of the World Union of the Muslim Ulemas, "Female Circumcision Neither a Sunna, nor a Sign of Respect"(Al Alazhar, Cairo),[1] [2] Diarsipkan 2006-10-15 di Wayback Machine.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Asad, Muhammad (December 2003). The Message of The Qur'an (edisi ke-Bilingual). The Book Foundation. ISBN 1-904510-00-0.
- Kathir, Ismail ibn. Tafsir ibn Kathir.
- Kathir, Ismail ibn (2000). Tafsir ibn Kathir. Dar-us-Salam Publications. ISBN 978-1-59144-020-8.
- Fischer, Wolfdietrich (2002). A Grammar of Classical Arabic (edisi ke-3rd Revised). New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
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