Penamaan titik utama kompas
(Dialihkan dari Boxing the compass)

Penamaan titik utama kompas adalah pemberian nama ke-32 mata angin dalam kompas secara berurutan searah jarum jam. Nama-nama ini dibentuk dari inisial (huruf depan) dalam bahasa Inggris dari arah mata angin utama dan arah mata angin pertengahan, dan sangat berguna untuk merujuk ke suatu arah (atau azimut) dalam bentuk umum maupun bahasa percakapan sehari-hari, tanpa harus menghitung atau menyebutkan derajatnya. Walaupun asalnya dari bahasa Inggris, nama-nama ini digunakan secara internasional.
# | Mata angin | Singkatan | Traditional wind point | Sudut |
1 | North | N | Tramontana | 0.00° |
2 | North by east | NbE | 11.25° | |
3 | North-northeast | NNE | 22.50° | |
4 | Northeast by north | NEbN | 33.75° | |
5 | Northeast | NE | Greco Bora | 45.00° |
6 | Northeast by east | NEbE | 56.25° | |
7 | East-northeast | ENE | 67.50° | |
8 | East by north | EbN | 78.75° | |
9 | East | E | Viento de Levante | 90.00° |
10 | East by south | EbS | 101.25° | |
11 | East-southeast | ESE | 112.50° | |
12 | Southeast by east | SEbE | 123.75° | |
13 | Southeast | SE | Sirocco | 135.00° |
14 | Southeast by south | SEbS | 146.25° | |
15 | South-southeast | SSE | 157.50° | |
16 | South by east | SbE | 168.75° | |
17 | South | S | Ostro | 180.00° |
18 | South by west | SbW | 191.25° | |
19 | South-southwest | SSW | 202.50° | |
20 | Southwest by south | SWbS | 213.75° | |
21 | Southwest | SW | Libeccio | 225.00° |
22 | Southwest by west | SWbW | 236.25° | |
23 | West-southwest | WSW | 247.50° | |
24 | West by south | WbS | 258.75° | |
25 | West | W | Ponente | 270.00° |
26 | West by north | WbN | 281.25° | |
27 | West-northwest | WNW | 292.50° | |
28 | Northwest by west | NWbW | 303.75° | |
29 | Northwest | NW | Maestro | 315.00° |
30 | Northwest by north | NWbN | 326.25° | |
31 | North-northwest | NNW | 337.50° | |
32 | North by west | NbW | 348.75° |
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Wind Rose Diarsipkan 2016-09-01 di Wayback Machine. – discusses the origins of the names for compass directions.
- The Rose of the Winds Diarsipkan 2007-05-20 di Wayback Machine. – gives an example of a rose with 26 directions.